Chapter 7

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It's been a couple of months now and I've recently been introduced to whole gang. Everyone seems interesting; Chris-Josh's best friend since elementary- is sweet and acts like a big brother towards me and he's such a joker and has a lot of courage but not enough to ask out Ashley such a goof. Ashley who is obviously in love with Chris but doesn't want to tell him cause she's shy, she is always nice to me and I always tell her that she needs to just tell him her feelings. Sam's awesome she's the only one that is looking out for me other than the twins (I'm more of Beth's best friend cause her and I have a little bit more in common that Hanna and I but Hanna is still one of my good friends) and she always tells me about Josh when he was just a kid and would do the dumbest things. Matt isn't so bad he's pretty chill when you get to know him though I can tell he has a thing for Emily but Emily only has eyes for Mike which can be a bit extreme, ah Emily she actually like me interesting she always asks me for my opinion and she always helps me pick out clothes for Josh and I's date nights and every time we had a test she and I would study together. For being a little out of hand with everything she sure is smart. But alas between friends there is always someone that dislikes someone else with Emily it's Jessica; I like Jessica I get to see the side of her that no one else does, she comes off strong and independent but really she's extremely insecure and always doubts herself. I keep telling her that there is nothing to be insecure out she's amazing just the way she is which brightens up her mood. The thing that they seem to dislike each other about is Mike, goodness Mike the guy who threw party which got too out of hand but in his own way he's a good guy he's just a pretend asshole to fit in.

School had just got out for the week and while we were waiting for Josh to come pick us up Hanna kept talking about her 'get together' with everyone tonight at their lodge on their own private mountain. I knew they were rich but not that rich, meh it's not like I care I'm just really glad Hanna is happy. She's been a little glum because Emily has a thing with Mike and Hanna really likes Mike, poor girl.. She keeps going on about how its going to be so much fun and how she can't wait to see everyone but really we all know that she just wants to see Mike. Beth and I hate to tell her that she shouldn't waste her time because she's so much better than him but she just seems so happy and so full of life when she talks about Mike. Josh finally pulls up and we all get in, as soon as I get in I lean over giving Josh a kiss on the cheek. Smiling like an idiot he asks all of us how school went; all groaning he just laughs knowing that we hate the people much rather than school.

"So did you guys want to go early and set up stuff or just pick up stuff before the party or sorry 'get together'"

Hanna being the one that planned this party spoke up enthusiastically,

"Let's go early so that everything is set up and Mi- I mean everyone can just come and hang"

"Y/n did you want to come with us or I can pick you up later if you'd like"

"I can come I want to help with everything and make sure that you don't do too much pre-drinking"

"Hey now I would never have pre-drinks I am a mature guy excuse me"

I give him a 'yeah-right' look and he just laughs and takes my hand.

"Alright then to the lodge we go"

What feels like probably the longest and boring ride ever we finally make it, or so I thought. We then had to go through big iron gates than had to get in the lift and the wait for it to get to the top I mean like damn I'm lazy as hell so that just killed me. Getting inside the lodge the first thing I did was lay on the couch ready for a nap. Feeling the couch sink above my head I look up to see Josh just smirking at me, I scrunch my nose and just smile.

"Dang it sure is cold here should we start a fire or something?"

"I could warm you up another way than a fire" he says winking at me. I get up and sit on his lap facing him

"Oh is that right well I guess you better than"

With that he smashes his lips to mine. I could feel his hands on my hips pulling me in more, knowing that he is really into this I decide to tease him and pull away while getting up to go and help Beth and Hanna.

"Hey get back here you tease"

I quickly rush into the kitchen and hide behind Beth while Hanna goes and puts chips into bowls and grabs drinks-ranging from water bottles to pop to alcohol-.

"Beth help me Josh is bullying me"

"Bullying you, you were jus-"

Before he could finish Beth hugs me and pretends that she's a mother and hugs me

"Don't you be mean to Y/n or I swear you'll be put into a time out"

Josh pretending to act like a kid throwing a tantrum whines

"But she started it"

"I don't care who started it you be nice to her, she's my favorite"

Josh pretending to be hurt goes to the living room to 'pout', Beth and I laugh so hard we end up out of breathe. Beth goes and helps Hanna with the finishing touches and I go and see Josh; he doesn't see me coming cause he is too occupied with watching TV so I take this chance to scare the living shit out of him. I go behind the couch slowly and quietly approach his back; I'm extremely close to him and when I'm just about to grab his shoulder he speaks up scaring me

"I see you"

"Damn it how did you see me"

"The reflection from the TV you dork"

Going over the couch I sit right next to him; I look up and he kisses my nose and puts his arm around my shoulder. After a while I get bored and ask his he wants something to drink, laughing he leans forward and grabs a bottle that I didn't notice was there until now. He sits back and shows me the bottle 'Jeremiah Craigg'

"Not a bad choice" I nod

"Wants some"

"You know what the girls are almost done sure but not too much people are still coming over"

"Alright, alright"

Laughing I knew that he was going to drink the whole bottle, oh well, as long as I make sure he's okay I don't mind. Though for some strange reason I felt a bit of anxiety hit me I don't know why, something about today seems odd and strange. God, I honestly hope that nothing bad happens today I don't think I could deal with that right now.

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