Chapter 16

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"Y/n? Y/n can you hear me?" I feel someone soothing my arm, blinking to see clearly I can see that it was Mike.

"You know punching someone and freaking out like that never help anybody you know that" I say while rubbing my eyes. You know I'm getting real tired of this shit.

"Sorry that wasn't meant for you it was meant for Josh"

"I know but still" clearing my throat I sit up from the couch "where's Josh?"

"We have him restrained and are moving him to the shed until the police get here at dawn"

"I know this will sound like I'm taking sides but do you have any proof. I know Josh he wouldn't kill anybody-"

"But did you know that he would pull a prank like this" Mike seeming to get irritated

"Well no but-"

"Then how do you know that he isn't capable of killing someone" getting agitated I blurt out with confidence

"Because I know him better than all of you, he's been struggling and even though you want to give up on him and blame him for everything doesn't mean I will as well. Don't you forget it was your guys prank that drove Hanna and Beth to go out that night"

With that comment he shut up but looked upset,

"Shit Mike I didn't mean it like that" I patted his shoulder "we all are just stressed after this day. I don't think Jessica is dead we'll find her I promise. She's a strong girl"

He just nods his head and tells me that they are moving Josh to the shed just to be safe and how they would like for me to come with them so Josh will some what cooperate.

"Fine but only because I want to prove that he is innocent"

Mike and I catch up with Chris who has his hand on Josh's arm guiding him. Chris sees us and stops and lets go of his arm and Mike gives him a nudge to keep going.

"Guys! Guys come on. Seriously this is crazy, you know?"

"Shut up"

"Why did you hit her man?! Why'd you have to fucken hit her?!", shit Chris must mean Ashely, so that's how she got the black eye. I look at Josh and give him a bit of a disappointed look, how could he hit a girl? Next thing I knew Chris goes and hit's Josh, I grab Chris arm tugging him back, going to try and help Josh up Mike and Chris grab both of my arms and hold me back. Not allowing me to budge I just comply.

"What are you talking about?"

"You punched Ashley you piece of shit!"

"I got so mad" getting really disappointed now I know people get mad but hitting someone cause you're mad isn't justified.

"You don't hit a girl. What if it was Y/n instead of Ashley would you still hit her if you got mad?"

"No! No I would never hit Y/n, I love her" I knew he would say that but I was still disappointed in him hitting Ashley.

"Then why hit Ashley?"

"Dude... Dude, Chris... Bro... I-"

"I'm not your bro" I just looked at Chris okay I know Chris is mad but they've been 'brothers' for a long time and I know that Chris is upset when he said that and I know Josh isn't going to like that.

"Where are we going?" I turn to Chris who I can tell is extremely upset. I hear something and turn around listening carefully I know that there is moose out there but something sends a chill throughout my body and I keep looking around. What brings me back as Mike saying,

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