Chapter 5

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Thank god we're out of the dinner I couldn't take another show down from Josh and Daniel. We're half way home before Beth's phone blows up with texts. Before I could ask her who was texting at 6 o'clock she looks at Josh and asks,

"Hey everyone was wondering if we wanted to go to the party tonight at Mike's house"

"I don't know. If Y/n wants to I guess we could swing by a little"

Now everyone's attention is on me. I didn't really want to go to a party but I could tell everyone else wanted to. If it gets too wild I'll just take a taxi home or something.

"Sure why not" I say trying to sound enthusiastic.

"Awesome we'll have so much fun I promise"

I just nod and keep my attention to where I we are going. Josh grabs my hand from my lap interlaces them and brings the palm of my hand to his lips placing a small but sweet kiss to my hand. Relaxing into the seat I zone out the rest of the ride so that I don't have to put up with the thought of drunken stupid people.

After a 20 minute ride we pull up to a very noisy, very packed party. Thankfully the party is a little outside the of my range so that if need be I could walk home. We parked right in front and all pilled out. Josh quickly walked around the car and took my hand. Hanna and Beth are already in front of us arms linked just strolling in through the front door. I try to make sure that we walk slow for the reason that I honestly don't want to be at this god forsaken party. As soon as we walked in I got a whiff of alcohol and boy was it strong.

"Hey there he is. Mr. Partier himself"

I turn around to see a tall guy about the same age as me who I believe to be the host of this party.

"Hey how are you? Haven't seen you in a long time"

"I'm good, and who might I ask is this?"

"I'm Y/n and you must be Mike correct?"

He just smiles the most goofiest grin of all time and nods. All of a sudden we hear a crash coming from the hallway.

"Shit, well it was nice to meet you but if you'll excuse me"

He goes off and starts yelling at people to be careful and to sweep up the mess. I just look at Josh and raise my eyebrow. He just smiles and kisses my forehead; he starts to lead us towards the living area and finds a place for us to sit though there is room for only one so Josh sits down and pats his lap for me to sit. I put my back against the arm rest and sit across him.

We needed up talking for what seemed like hours  about everything and anything and with everything he told me I could feel myself falling for him even harder, though it did get irritating when we would get interrupted by stupid drunks who were loud and obnoxious. I cuddled into him more and he completely embraced me; every time when some guy got close he would squeeze me a little tighter. I just gave him a reassuring smile and move my head to the crook of his neck, which resulted in him relaxing.

"Hey you're Y/n right?", standing before me was Sam. I never had anything against her and if she was Josh's childhood friend then I would like to at least become friends with her. I could even get the most embarrassing stories about when Josh was a child.

"Yeah and you're Sam, you're in my class. It's nice to met you" It was honestly really nice to met her she seemed really chill in class and quite the sarcastic; made me like her even more.

"You too. So how are you liking Black wood country?"

She sits right next to us and I wiggle out of his embrace trying to hear her better cause of the blasting music.

"It's actually really nice other than the cold but everything else is actually going pretty good" I say looking at Josh. Josh just smiles and kisses my cheek. Sam just smiles at the two of us,

"Man Josh you finally found a good one. Don't worry I'll tell you all the best stories about baby Josh"

Smiling I can tell Sam and I are going to be really good friends. People were calling Sam over to do god knows what kind of drinking game.

"See what did I say, nothing is going on"

I just hit his shoulder and laugh,

"Yeah, yeah I get it now"

All of a sudden I can hear yelling and things breaking from the kitchen. I start getting up from Josh's lap to see what the whole commotion is and from what I can see there is a fight breaking out against two guys. Josh quickly gets to his feet and throws an arm around my waist pulling me into him, I try to push away to make sure Hanna and Beth are alright and no where near the fight but I see they are too close for me to be comfortable with. I look at Josh and tell him where his sisters are and he looks frantic and lets go of me for a quick second to go and get the girls to safety. I try to find Sam to see if she knows what happens but before I could go anywhere the fight breaks out in the living room.

Josh comes sprinting in trying to look over everyone and his eyes land on me. Trying to maneuver around all the nosey people was really hard but I could feel someone grab my hand and pull me out of the now huge crowd. I come into contact with a chest and I could easily tell who it was. Put his hands on either side of my face he examines me to make sure that everything is okay.

"Did you find the girls?"

"Yeah I told Sam to take them home because I can't have any one of you hurt"

"Come on lets go before more people get involved with the fight"

Nodding we quickly head for the car. Holding the door open and lets me get in and runs to the other side to get in. We drive back to my house and the whole time I was texting Beth to make sure that they were okay and that they got to their house safe and sound. After they told me they were okay and they were at Sam's house I immediately told Josh who seemed relieved that they were okay. I put my arm on his shoulder and started rubbing his bicep to make sure he was calming down.

We get inside and before I could fully walk into the house Josh has pulled me into an embrace. I comply and put my arms around his neck to reassure him that I was alright. After a few minutes he smashes his lips to mine, I kiss back knowing that that's what he needs right now. He breaks the kiss to throw me over his shoulders and walks upstairs. He open a door on the left and by the looks of it I could tell that it wasn't one of the girls bedroom. I feel a blush coming and try to hide it; he places me down gently and goes towards his dresser. He rummages through each drawer until he has a pair of shorts and a baggy shirt to go with it, he hands them to me.

"There's a bathroom right behind you and if you need anything just ask", he starts to leave when I ask,

"Where are you going?"

"I'll take the couch and you can take the bed".

Before he could walk anymore I grab his arm,

"Why? We can both fit in the bed. I know you won't do anything"

He just looks at me and smiles that heart warming smile that I know will be my demise.


I head for the bathroom and shut the door with that I quickly change. I leave the bathroom while throwing up my hair and putting my close by the bathroom door. Josh is already changed into his boxers and shirt he sees me and smiles.

"Looking good",

laughing I get into his king size bed. I can feel the weight shift when Josh gets into it. Immediately my puts his arms around my waist and lays his head on my stomach, I start petting his hair; I don't mind we both have had long stressful days and it's nice now to just relax. I could hear him softly snoring and decide that I should get to sleep man after all this I know now why I hate parties cause when there's a lot of people it always ends in disasters.

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