Chapter 19

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We were making our way to the cabin when we heard Sam yelling,

"LET ME IN!!!", we walked up to her but I don't think she heard us, so Mike put his hand on her shoulder and she jumped.

"Shit Mike you scared me"

"Sorry, where is everyone?"

"Probably hiding in the basement" I look around and see a rock,

"Here Sam us this to smash the window near the lock". She takes the rock and does what I tell her, with a clicking sound she brings her hand back from the glass and opens the door. We all rushed, Josh took my hand when we were inside,

"Let's head down to the basement to see if anyone is down there" Mike says while heading down to the basement. Josh pulling me back slightly,

"Hey what's up?" I say looking in his eyes.

"I just have a bad feeling that's all. Why don't we wait for them up here?" I gave him a reluctant look.

"Josh nothing is going to happen we just need to not bring attention to us and we are good. Dawn is only a few minutes, we'll be fine I promise" I say kissing his cheek. With that he relaxed just slightly for him to lead the way to the basement. We catch up with Sam and Mike, when we get to the movie room everyone seemed to be running out of the basement.

"RUN!!", in the whole chaos of everyone running Josh lost my hand and was pushed with them upstairs. Looking at where they were running from I saw that they were running from three Wendigo's. At that moment I knew I had to slow them down so they didn't get the others so I quickly ran to the door and shut it. I than proceeded to join the others and when I ran upstairs I saw that everyone was still-not even a muscle was moved- looking at whatever everyone was looking I saw Hanna. She was hanging from the ball in the middle of the living room; from the corner of my eye I saw something move slightly, turning my head slightly I saw Josh looking at me. I gave him a quick nod to tell him I'm fine.

Right behind Josh was the three Wendigo's, holding my breathe I knew that this wasn't going to be good. The three Wendigo's went up the Hanna in a predator way, though Hanna didn't seem threatened for some reason and stood on her legs normally. The middle Wendigo attacked Hanna first thus resulting in an all out battle between the four Wendigo's. Throughout the whole battle one of the Wendigo's knocked the gas pipe and it started to leak. I whistled to Mike to look at the fire and that struck an idea from him. Everyone picked up on it and slowly headed for the front door while there was a fight going on. Though throughout the battle one of the Wendigo's had it's head ripped off and the head landed right next to me, I almost threw up.

Ashley, Emily, and Chris all got out, thank god, but that meant that Mike, Josh, Sam and I were left. Mike looked up and saw that there was a light bulb by him and crushed it. That startled Hanna and she went over to Mike, Sam saw and distracted Hanna so Mike would be safe. Hanna went over to Sam but Sam stood completely still so that Hanna couldn't get her. Josh made his way to me and took my hand. The second Wendigo took that opportunity and jumped on Hanna's back clawing at her and trying to bit her we all took the chance and ran for the door but something jerked me back and I saw that the third Wendigo had taken Josh and lifted him up. I held on, I wasn't going to lose him again! Not when we're so close to being out of this mess. Sam made it out but Mike saw,

"Y/n let go! I need you to be safe!" Josh said trying to let go

"I'm not letting go! I'm not abandoning you!"

"Let me go Y/n... Please", Josh gave Mike a look and Mike acknowledging it grabbed me by the waist and yanked me away.

"NO! JOSH PLEASE DON'T DO THIS! PLEASE I LOVE YOU!" with that I was crying.

"I love you too! I always did love you, forever and always. But you need to let go" I didn't but Mike was too strong and yanked me away. We were heading for the door and Josh and the Wendigo sped down to the basement. I struggled in Mike's arms but it was too late Mike had switched on the light and the house exploded. We were launched through the air, Mike landed in a soft spot of the snow and all I could remember after being launched is my head hurting and feeling really tired.

Hearing a rhythm of beeping I slowly wake up to see what that stopped noise is. Opening my eyes I look around and stop myself cause of the throbbing in my head.

"Whoa, whoa take it easy" I open my eyes and see everyone standing around me. I looked down and see that I have needles in my right hand and a pulse reader on my left middle finger. My mind is blank until I remember what happened, I become a little frantic

"Where's Josh?" I say looking at everyone. They all look down and neither of them speak until Jessica comes over and gives me a big hug and breaks down crying. No, no, no.. I don't want to ask but I do cause I needed to know.

"Where. Is. Josh?", Chris clears his throat and says without looking at me

"He didn't make it?" I put a hand over my face and silently let the tears drop. Everyone starts to come over to comfort me and I put up my other hand to tell them 'not now'. After a few moments of letting it out I drop my hand and shake my head a little to calm myself before speaking.

"Did anyone see him die?"

"Well no not really, but Y/n it's pretty obvious that he's...." Emily said. Trying to sound comforting I just quietly let out a sad laugh and they all looked at me with that god damn stupid sympathetic look and I snapped.

"Don't you fucken look at me with the god damn sympathetic look"

"Y/n where are so sor-"

"You're sorry?" this time I laughed. "You all were against him. Thought he was a murder, though he was awful, etc. I was the only one who stood by him and even at the last moment you all turned on him. Just get out" I said the last part quietly.


"I SAID GET OUT!", everyone looked to shocked and sad. Everyone started to leave but Chris and Mike both stayed a little longer. I broke down and cried my heart out.

"Y/n I'm sorry that we couldn't do for Josh. We really are. We can't understand really what you're going through but I want you to know that we're here for you" Chris says and hugs me, I couldn't hug him I was to heartbroken to. They soon left and I was there heartbroken and confused. After an hour of crying I took a breather and started to calm down. Wait I know that they said that Josh died but he was no where near the upstairs when it blew up. The Wendigo was fast and at what speed it was travelling and when Mike finally flipped the switch they both would have gotten down to the mines. I got up to go to the bathroom and looked at my self in the mirror, man was I ever roughed up and the bags under my eyes weren't helping my case. I just stared at myself and thought at the scene with Josh over and over and none of what they said added up.

I finally looked at myself and I knew then and there that I had to go back into the mines to find Josh, something to tell me that Josh was either alive-or dead-. I headed back to the room and saw that someone had dropped off some clothes for me for when I got better but knowing if I didn't leave now I would never get out. I quickly got changed just in case the nurses came in and forced me back into that stupid bed. I had on black jeans, a gray shirt, and a hoodie which I thought was mine but when I turned it over I saw the name that was embroidered in the right arm sleeve. Washington. I could feel the tears threatening to fall again but I wouldn't get anywhere with crying so I blinked them back.

I had successfully got out of the hospital and headed for the police station. I knew that they would want answers if they rescued us and interviewed them. So I knew that if they were heading down into the mines that I could at least be the guide and if not I would go by myself, one way or another I was going back into those mines.

Authors Notes

OMG! This was so sad writing it but I hope you loved the story and I will be starting the sequel tomorrow. I loved writing it and I loved to feed back I got. Thank you for reading the story and I hope you enjoyed it I wanted to give a big thanks to Anni341! and Satanwillrise_! for speaking with me and commenting on the story! I love to hear back from readers it feels awesome and great to know that the story is readable. Thank again to everyone else who've read the story and I hope you like you. I also hope you will like the sequel that is to come! Anyways have a good night/day and I'll see you later. <3

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