Chapter 8

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After a few hours everyone finally showed up. Hanna was so excited being she liked having everyone together but she especially liked that Mike had shown up. Josh was already half way done the 'Jeremiah Cragg' and I could tell that he was beginning to loosen up from the alcohol since he's such a big guy it takes him longer for the alcohol to kick in and I just hope he doesn't get to crazy. Everyone seems to be having fun which is good I pace around making sure that the girls and everyone are doing okay. I walk into the kitchen to see Chris and Josh doing shot, by the look of it they've been doing about six so far. Getting a little worry I go over to them and start taking the alcohol way from them Josh and Chris look disappointed and start whining about letting them keep drinking, I shake my head and give the bottle to Hanna who was probably the worst person I could give it to cause her concentration on Mike the whole time and she probably didn't even notice I gave her the bottle. Oh well as long as Josh and Chris don't get alcohol until they've calmed down then I believe that they should be okay. I hear the doorbell and being confused I go and check it out, I'm 120 percent that everyone is here. I open the door just a smidge and see a couple of guys who look the same age and when they turn around I see that they're from our school the 'assholes' of the school. Why would they be here? I open the door a little bit more and see their faces clearly and there seems to be about three of them.

"I'm sorry but can I help you?"

"Oh hey there pretty lady, we're here for the party"

Already being irritated I close the door a little to make sure that the other don't see them or we will have a fight break out. Oh my god, the main guy who is grossly flirting with me is the guy that started the fight last party. Like hell am I going to let them in.

"This party is invite only and to me it seems that you guys weren't invited I'm sorry I don't know how you heard about it but I will have to ask you kindly to leave"

They didn't budge but before I could shut the door they pushed the door with all their force almost knocking me out with the door in the process. Hearing the slam everyone comes the front door and sees the guys and I; Josh looking me up and down making sure that the guys aren't touching me and making sure that I don't look scared, which I'm not they're just punk asses. The guys walk past me and the main guy winks at me which I can tell Josh saw and didn't like that. Josh and the other guys step forward and the girls stay where they are if not move back a little to make sure if they needed to that there is space just in case. I walk to Josh to try to calm him down and make sure that we can be civilized about throwing them out. I get close to Josh and then the main guy grabs my wrist and has a tight grip on it I turn around and try to rip my hand away but before I could Josh got angrier and walk to me and is right behind me with his chest against my back.

"I suggest letting her go right now"

"Why? It's a party right why not loosening up, I bet we could loosen her up as well"

Before Josh could punch him I swing my right hand against the guys jaw, I swear I could hear a crack and he lets go of my hand. My right wrist is stinging I think I might have broke it or at least sprained it. Josh quickly grabs me and puts himself in front of me making sure that I'm out of the way. The other guys are attending to the main guy who is not holding his jaw with both of his hands and swearing loudly.

"You stupid bitch you'll pay for that"

Josh squeezes me being him to make sure that I don't do anything rash and so that if the guy lunged that I was safe.

"I suggest you leave right now before we all start throwing punches" Josh says confidently.

Which make him even hotter. The guys get annoyed and leave, Chris and Mike walk to the door and watch them leave making sure they actually left. Thankfully they never came back but I definitely did hurt my wrist, great. Josh turns around and throws me a scolded look.

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