Ch.35 brianas pov

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As the nurse took me back to the room I was flooded with emotions. I was going to be holding my baby girl soon. Then it hit me Niall isn't here with me. Just then I groaned with pain. "Are you ok Mrs.Horan?" Asked the nurse. I grinned and said call me Briana we aren't married and yes it was just. Strong contraction. Just then she pushed me into my room and told me to beg into the gown then get on the bed. When I was in the bed she started hooking me up to ivs and  monitors. When she finished she told me the doctor would be in shortly. I was lying in the hospital bed all alone thinking about how mine and Nialls life was about to change. Then I was jerked out of my thoughts by Paul. "The heard will be here soon Niall is so worried about you," he told me. I smiled and told him thank you as I groaned out in pain again. Paul looked worried so I told him it was just a contraction. He nodded. We just sat there in silence with my occasional moans of pain waiting for the doctor or the heard to show up. The doctor finally came in to see me. He asked how bad the pain was I told him tolerable. He checked how dilated I was and I was only at 3 not even close to time. He left and said he would be back later.

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