Natural Love

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(Niall's P.O.V)

I was so excited about Briana's birthday that I woke up at 4am. I'm so excited because I really love her and its her first birthday being my girlfriend and I wanna do everything I can for her to make it special! I was so bored just laying in bed waiting for Briana to get up so at 5am I decided to wake her up my way. I crawled under the covers and stuck my head out just a little and whispered, "BABE BABE HEYY BABE." until she looked at me. She finally looked at me and in her tired voice said "Niall its 5am!" I replied with "Babe but look I'm a ninja!" She smilled at me kissed me and said, "Your amazing Niall, I love you!" "I love you too and happy birthday!!!!!" "Thanks babe," she replied. Then i rolled on top of her and told her I got to give her 17 kisses. She giggled and said ok. So I kissed her forehead, her nose, her lips, her neck ,each cheek, her chest, her stomach, each hand, and i gave her the rest of her 7 kisses on her lips. "Your so sweet babe," She told me. I just smiled at her and kissed her. she then said, "I really do love you NI, but can i go back to sleep?'' I said of course, so we cuddled together and fell back to sleep.

I woke up again at 8am and Briana was still asleep, so this time I crept downstairs and found Liam and Jill. "Good morning guys," I said. "good morning why are you up so early?" they asked. "I'm too excited for Briana to sleep," I told them. "Aww how sweet!" Jill said. "anyway how about we go wake everyone up, so we can get Briana up and take her to a birthday breakfast at the pancake house since its her favorite breakfast food next to bacon that is," I said. "sounds good to us," Jill and Liam agreed. "ok when you got them awake tell them to wait outside our door until we are all there ok?'' I said. So we all went upstairs to wake everyone up.

When we were all gathered outside the door I counted to 3 and we ran in the room and yelled "HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRIANA!" Briana woke up rubbed her eyes smiled and said, "aww you guys are sooo sweet!" "Get dressed in your outfit you bought yesterday," I told Briana. "Why?" she asked. "because we are going out," I told her. So she said ok and kicked us out so she could get ready. Luckily I grabbed my clothes before she pushed me out the door. We were all dressed and waiting in the living room for Briana for like an hour. when she came down tho man it was worth the wait. She looked beautiful. She was wearing a sparkly pink and black tank top with black skinny jeans with pink wedges. Her hair was left down besides her bangs which she proofed up like snookies, but a lot smaller, and she had curled it too. She also had on a necklace that said its ma birthday and another necklace with 17 on it. "You look amazing babe!" I told her. She blushed a little and said, "thanks Ni!" Then everyone else told her how pretty she looked too. "ok are we ready now?" Harry asked. "yupp we all replied'' So we headed to the pancake house!

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