Natural Love

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(Louis P.O.V)

"Louis did you just dunk her?" Harry yelled. "I sure did Hazza!" I replied. Just then Bridget came back up and spit a whole bunch of water in my face and said, "Next time atleast let me plug my noise." "How about you close your mouth next time too," I told her. Then she jumped on my back and said, "I'm gunna get you back Tomlinson!!" "GOOD LUCK TRYING!" I hollered back. The she kept trying to get me to go under. "Look at the wimpy baby trying to dunk me," I teased her. "I might not be able to dunk you but Harry will help me,'' she sassed. "My Hazza Bear would never take your side over mine would you Harry?" I asked already knowing he was going to take her side. "Well umm sorry Boo Bear, but she's hotter than you, so ya I'm taking her side over yours," he answered. "HAHAH TOMMO!" Bridget yelled while swimming over to Harry. Then she looked at him and said, "Wait did you just call me hot?" "I guess I did," he said while putting Bridget on his back. Liam and Jill were just in there own little world not even paying attention too us, Zayn was still gone, Niall was eating, and Briana was tanning. As I went to turn back around to talk to Harry I couldn't find him the next thing I know I was dunked under water. When I came back up Bridget and Harry were laughing uncontrolably. "HAHAHA Tomlinson thats's what you get!" Bridget yelled. Harry gave her a high five and smirked at me. "You guys are dead!" I yelled. They just swam away together laughing at me. After our war was over we just decided to see who could swim out the farthest of course Bridget got scared because her foot touched seaweed, so me and Harry went to save her. We were so busy playing around that we didn't even notice Jill and Liam get out of the water; they are now talking a walk along the beach. Briana is still sitting by herself and I don't know where Zayn and Niall are.

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