Natural Love

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(Briana's P.O.V)

As soon  as everyone left me and Zayn strarted watching Phineas and Ferb. Zayn asked me atleast a thousand times how I was feeling and my answer was always the same; Zayn I'm just tired and I feel like I'm going to get sick. Then he replied ok just let me know if you feel any worse. So after hearing the same thing from Zayn over and over I eventually fell asleep. I don't know how long I was asleep but as soon as I woke up I had to rush to the bathroom to get sick. Zayn rushed to the bathroom and asked me if I wanted him to hold my hair, I told him ya. When I was done I told him that I was going to take a shower and when I got out I needed to talk to him. So he said ok and left. When I got out of the shower I put a pair of Niall's sweatpants on and my pink t-shirt on. I was so afraid to tell Zayn what I wanted to tell him....

I walked down stairs and saw Zayn on his phone. I was standing on the stairs trying to think of how to tell Zayn why  I think I'm sick... I hope he don't freak out when I tell him. Zayn finally looked up from his phone saw me and said, "What do you need to talk to me about Briana?" "Well umm I think I know why I'm sick," I told him. "And why is that?" he asked confused. "Ok Zayn you gotta promise me you won't freak out do you promise?" I asked. "OK I promise," he said. "Pinky promise?" I asked. "Of course," he said wrapping his pinky around mine. "OK well umm Zayn I think I mite be....pregnant," I told him with a shakey voice. "You think what now?" he asked in a daze. "Zayn I think I might be pregnant," I repeated. "Ok, but you don't know for sure yet?" he asked. "No I'm not sure yet, but ever since that night I have been waking up feeling sick in the morning and I... I missed that time of the month," I told him with tears in my eyes. "Why are you crying Baby girl?" he asked me while wrapping me in a hug. "Its just I haven't told Niall or any one yet your the only one, and I don't want Niall to be mad at me," "What if he breaks up with me?" "what if he don't want a kid?" "what if he hates me now?" I started rambling on questions to Zayn. "Listen Baby girl Niall is never in a million years going to dump you he would never let you go, He could never ever hate you, and if you are pregnant he will love his baby just as much as he loves you; Briana you are the girl of his dreams and if your pregnant its just going to give him another reason to keep you close and love you!" Zayn said while smiling at me. "Do you mean that Zayn Niall really loves me that much?" I asked while wiping the tears from my eyes. "Of course I meant every word I just told you Niall loves you more than any girl he has every been with; your his speacial one Briana I just know it," Zayn said giving me a kiss on the forehead. "Do you want me to take you to the store to get a pregnancy test?" Zayn asked. "Umm ya please can you before the others get home?" I asked. "Sure let me get my keys and we can go," he told me. So we got in the car and headed to the store.

When we got there I told Zayn to wait in the car. He asked me why I didn't want him to come in with me and I told him I didn't want to risk a papparizzi getting a picture of him and me buying a pregnancy test. He understood, so I went in by myself to get my pregnancy test. The ride home seemed like the longest ride of my life. "Zayn.." I said right before we pulled into the driveway. "Ya babe?" he asked. "If I am pregnant you gotta promise me not to tell the others I want to wait until my birthday to tell everyone else if I am ok?" I asked him. "Ok I promise I'm glad you decided to tell me first and talk to me about it," he told me. "Well we have got pretty close since I've been here so I just thought you would be the right person to trust with this," I told him. "Ok lets get you in the house and get our answer," he said while laughing. 

When we got in the house I took the test and went to the bathroom. I came back out and Zayn was standing by the door. "How long does it take?" He asked. "The package says it takes about 10min," I told him. So we just stood by the door and waited Zayn sat a timer on his phone to go off in 10min. While we were standing there he asked me, "So if you are pregnant would you want a girl or boy?" "UMMM I guess I would really want a baby girl," I told him. He laughed and said, "I'd want you to have a girl too." Just then the timer went off. "OHH god Zayn I'm so scared to check," I told him. "Come on I'll check it with you," he said. So we went into the bathroom and I picked up the test and on it were 2 pink lines telling me that I WAS.... pregnant!! 


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