Chapter 34 - Fancy Place

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I didn't edit this! Sorry!

I was awoken by an excited looking Fred- or George. He wore his light blue pajamas. "Raven! Raven, wake up! We're going to the World Cup today!" The ginger practically shouted at me. I groaned and pushed whatever twin it was over. Severus must have dropped me off last night after I fell asleep.

I sat up and put my head in my hands. "What time is it?" I ask, giving, I know noticed, Fred a glare. He grinned and walked to the door. "It's 7:30 AM. Dad says we're leaving at 9:00." With that, he walked out the room.

I slung my feet over the bed and I yawned. I feel like I didn't sleep at all, even when I slept for a good 6 hours.

Fred then barged into the room again, causing me to jump slightly. "Mum made breakfast too. She said hurry down!" He said quickly and he shut the door tightly.

I sighed heavily, quickly tossed on a baggy, gray sweater and black sweats. I made my way downstairs and I instantly heard the chatter of the twins and the trio talking. I opened the door slowly, hoping to not catch any attention. I probably looked like hell and I didn't want to embarrass myself.

"Ah, good morning Fern." I heard the familiar voice of Sirius from behind me, he knew I wasn't a morning person. I groaned in response and made my way to the kitchen.

I heard Sirius follow me. "How's life?" He asked from behind me. I simply glared at him as I poured myself some coffee. Coffee saves lives.

"Life is okay, I guess." I replied, taking a sip of the warm coffee. Sirius chuckled and quickly hugged me. I took this by surprise and nearly dropped my coffee. I set the coffee down on the counter and instantly hugged Sirius back. After everything that's been happening to me, I really did miss Sirius. I didn't get to see him much when we were at Hogwarts, due to my classes and the excitement of the Triwizard Tournament.

"If you need anything, you can always ask me." He whispered sweetly. I smiled and I pulled back from the hug.

"Of course." I replied quietly. He smiled and nodded. And with that, we both walked to the table where everyone else was eating. Everyone seemed to be happy and excited. I was relieved to also notice that everyone was still in their pajamas, just like I was.

"Oh, good morning Raven!" Molly smiled widely at me. "Come, come sit here!" She said enthusiastically, pointing at an empty chair beside Sirius and another empty chair. I nodded and sat down. I decided not to question who's empty seat is beside me, but I had a clear idea on who it was.

I grabbed a toast and nibbled on it slightly. Everyone was doing there own thing: Tonks was showing Remus her Metamorphmagus abilities, Harry and Ron were talking about Quidditch, Hermione and Ginny were talking about... animals, Fred and George were talking about a new prank they wanted to try out, and Arthur was trying to explain to Molly what various Muggle devices were. I zoned off a bit, trying to not fall asleep in the middle of the table.

"Good morning Severus!" I heard Molly say, snapping me back into reality. I shook my head slightly and rubbed my eyes. I just wanted to sleep... for once I just need a good's night sleep.

I turned to see Severus awkwardly standing in the door way. I took notice he didn't wear pajamas, but instead his normal outfit every single day. He made eye contact with me. I nodded over to the seat next to me, indicating for him to sit next to me. He looked hesitant at first, but he sat down next to me. I watched as Severus glared at Sirius as he sat down. I'm so curious to know what happened between the two... I wonder what happened. I know Sirius bullied and pulled pranks on Sev in their Hogwarts years, but still, there must have been something more than just pranks.

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