| chapter 05 |

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Molly knocks loudly on the two wooden doors in front of us.

"Anybody home?!" She asks loudly. I look nervously around. How did I end up here again? I'm back at Melanie's house. Of course Molly is going to freak when she finds out I was here a few hours ago already.

Melanie opens the door. She looks at Molly confused and then at me. She's about to speak but I give her an act-like-you-don't-know-me-or-I'm-seriously-screwed look. Hopefully she understands it.

"Yes?" She asks Molly, in a super innocent voice, sounding as confused as a lost child. Wow, she's good. I'll thank her later.

"We are here to interro-" I nudge her-"um ask a few questions," Molly tells her.

"Oh, okay well come in," she welcomes us in and guides us to the living room area, "make yourself at home, I'm going to get you some water."

We smile at her and she does a small courtesy before going to the kitchen.

"She is definitely doing some type of act," Molly says loudly. I hush her and give her a glare.

"What? You're actually falling for that? Don't you realize she's a murderer! For all we know, she's probably made a pact with the devil or something!" She exclaims.

"Be quite. You don't even know her so don't be so rude," I snap.

"Why are you being so protective? Is she your friend or something?" I roll my eyes at her. In a way she is. We turn to look at Melanie, who returns with a tray filled with 3 glasses of pink lemonade.

"I hope this is alright with you guys," she sets the tray down on the coffee table. Molly and I take a glass each. Melanie sits across from us, on her vintage love-seat styled couch.

"Where were you this morning at around 10:00 am?" Molly asks. Melanie's eyes widen.

"Is this some type of police interrogation?" She asks.

"I'm sorry, she's making it sound bad. We are going around asking questions but it seems she can't help feel like a police officer. She wants to be a detective when she grows up." I tell Melanie, while I pinch Molly's arm.

"Owww- ugh okay. What did you do this morning?" She rephrases her question.

"Um well I cleaned the house, which as you can see is really big so it took up most of my morning. And then I baked some cookies," Melanie tells her. Molly's eyes light up.

"What type?"

"Chocolate chip."

"Oh my flipping god."

"You want some?"

"No. I don want any of your pois-" I pinch her again.

"Owww, what the heck." Molly whines. Melanie looks at both of us, confused.

"We should taste the lemonade, it looks delicious." I tell Molly.

I raise the glass up to my mouth, but then my grip loosens.

"No way I bet it's poiso-"

The glass crashes and my vision goes black.


Lol. Comment and vote plzz!!!!!!

Okay bbys: Any questions you have for me to answer??

(If anyone wants to make a banner, image or something for me to put in the next chapters feel free t0 do so!! That would be so cool :o)

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