| chapter 08 |

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We reach Melanie's house, and there I am in the same situation as before. The deja vu of something that happened only hours ago.

But this time the order is disturbed. Instead of knocking, Molly opens the door and bursts inside.

"Wait you can't just do that, you'll-" But Molly is already far into the house. I have two options. Follow, or walk back to my house and act like I don't know who Molly is. The second option seems a million times more appealing. But of course, I'm not the brightest  so I walk inside and quietly close the door behind me.

"Molly?" My voice echoes through the house. It seems ten times creepier, as the curtains are shut and there isn't much light inside the house.

"I'm up here," Molly calls from the hallway in the second floor. I look up the stairs. This is wrong in so many ways. I know we shouldn't be doing whatever it is we are doing.

"We are just looking around a bit. For clues," Molly says, almost as if reading my thoughts. I start walking up.

"Don't worry-" I hear Molly scream. I immediately turn around, but then I turn back. Was I seriously about to leave her behind?

I quickly run towards the direction of her screaming. I burst into the room I think she is in and I hold back a scream too. The room is filled with porcelain dolls, and a few dollhouses. Some of the dolls are extremely creepy. They look as if any second they'll move or do something. I immediately give a sigh of relief.

"Isn't this scary though?" Molly turns to me.

"Yes it is, but I thought that you had encountered something much worse," I tell her.

"Okay well let's just look around a little bit more," she says, and we walk out of the room.

We enter another room, which ends up being her bathroom. One which is incredibly large. There is a single bathtub in the center, one of those old-styled ones. The next room is the one which she had mentioned to me before, a room filled many different vintage toys.

We are about to enter another room when we suddenly hear classical music start playing. In confusion, Molly and I walk down to the living room. We see a record player on. Is Melanie here? That would make sense.

"Hello?" Molly asks loudly. I love how she isn't even trying to be secretive about our snooping. We hear no response.

"Let's just leave now," I insist and try to pull her towards the entrance.

"Okay. Just one more thing." She walks and I follow. We end up in Melanie's kitchen. Which is decorated in a very cute way, with lots of vintage pictures on the walls.

Molly starts opening a drawer.

"Just stop," I try to tell her.

"Holy shit."

Before our eyes is the biggest collection of knifes I've ever seen. Most which have pink or baby blue handles. There a big knifes, smaller ones, sharper ones, pretty much more than what a master chef would need.

We haven't seen Melanie this whole time. All we have been doing is snooping around, while someone else is obviously in here with us.

"Okay we're leaving. Now."


Hey bbys!! I updated :3 and this is a bit longer than other chapters if you didn't notice.
This isn't edited or anything, so feel free to point out any mistakes and stuff so I can fix them
Anyways hope you liked it!!  Yes I'm in break and I had plenty of time to update but I'm always too lazy -.- lol

Soooo Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! :)

Okay question: (If you celebrate it) what was your favorite Christmas present??
-I got this really cool vinyl record player that does a bunch of other cool stuff so yeah...first record I wanna get is Crybaby ^.^ hopefully

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