| chapter 16 |

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After an hour or so I end up driving to the police station, not very safely because I still feel out of it. Wait, I may not even be able to see her. She is being convicted for murder, so I'm not so sure I'll be allowed to talk to her.

What even happened? How did it all end up like this?

It was all quiet for a few weeks and then BOOM, this all blew up. It really shook me up and I'm still so confused.

I pull up at the station and stay in the car for a few minutes, debating if I should go in or not. I end up getting out of my car, not even sure why because I'm obviously not going to be allowed to talk to her.

"Um can I speak to Melanie Martinez?" I ask the police officer at a desk in front .

"Family member?" She asks.

"No..." I say quietly, "but I'm not sure she has any nearby."

"I see. Well I'm sorry, she can't speak to anyone right now. Maybe you can wait a bit," she tells me and goes back to typing in her computer.

I turn around and see someone I would've never expected to see. It's Molly. She doesn't notice me at first, but when I walk up to where she is sitting she looks up with a surprised face.

"What are you doing here?" I ask her. I haven't  seen her in weeks, and here she is in a police station. Waiting for someone?

"Uh. Well I drove someone here. A friend of mine," she tells me in a very mysterious way. Something is off about her. Her body language seems extremely uncomfortable and she also seems like she wants to get out of here as soon as possible.

"Um Julie. Juliana. You know how Melanie finally got caught? Juliana is the big sister of the potential victim so they had to come in to say their statements," Molly tells me, still acting a bit giddy.

"Oh. I see..." I say still trying to figure out what's wrong with her. We were best friends for so long, what's up with her now?

"So what exactly happened?" I ask her, I'm pretty sure she knows. She knows about most things that happen in town. That's why many like to call her nosy.

"Oh you don't know?" She seems a bit excited but distant, "What happened was that apparently Melanie broke into their house somehow. Annie, the little girl, was playing upstairs. Juliana was in the kitchen and didn't notice Melanie sneak up. When she walked upstairs she heard Melanie talking to Annie about some weird things while holding a kitchen knife, so she called the police before she noticed. The police got there pretty quickly but Melanie seemed to be going crazy. They say she probably isn't even mentally stable."

Something just didn't seem to add up.

"What about the boy?"

"Tommy, um I mean he was probably her helper. Oh yeah I think he was also up there or something. Yes, when the police showed up he was also holding a knife," Molly explains kind of hurriedly and nervously.

That's a first. She doesn't seem to be sure of what to say. She also glances around a few times. Something is definitely bothering her.

"Ah. Thank you I didn't really get what was going on," I say and I'm about to speak again but I get cut off.

"Molly! Thanks so much for everything we can leave for today," Julie says as she walks up, with Annie holding on to her left hand. That little girl seems so serious all the time. I'm honestly kind of scared of her now.

"Okay. I guess we will leave now," Molly stands up and starts walking away.

"It's Acacia! So glad to see you here, thank you again for Annie the other day and can you believe what just happened? I'm scared for my life I'm not sure I'll be able to sleep," Juliana talks to me as if we are close friends or something. She still has that smile that puts me off.

"No problem... I'm glad you are both okay," I tell them with a nervous smile.

"Well goodbye. I'm sure we will be seeing you around," she gives me a weird look, and then walks off. Molly is in front still walking like her life depends on it.

Wait her name is Julie? And then there was Tommy? Tom?

What Melanie was telling me about...

Are they the ones after her? They are all a bit odd. But what does Molly have to do with all of this?

I decide to stay and see if I can still talk to Melanie.


Heyy my bbys!!!! <3 <3
SCHOOL'S ALMOST OUT. WUT!!!! (7 more schooldays for me) :) :)

Anyways I hope you liked this update and plz comment and like!!! I love reading ur comments they make my day!! ^.^


IMPORTANT: 50K SPECIAL !!! - Comment ur name and description of appearance if you want to maybe make a cameo on my next chapter??!!! (Idk if this is a good idea but eh, I'll choose one or two)

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