| chapter 06 |

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I open my eyes and my vision is extreme blurry. I blink a few times.

White walls. Bright lights.

I groan. Why am I in the hospital?

Oh wait. That's right. The last thing I remember is being seconds away from drinking some lemonade in Melanie's house. Everything after that is blank.

"Are you awake?" My doctor, a man who appears to be around his forties, asks me. I nod my head.

"Well good news is that you are not in any danger." He says with a smile.

"There's bad news?" I ask hesitantly.

"Yes. It appears someone tried to poison you."

Are you serious? Please tell me I heard completely wrong. No. It can't be.

"Well I wouldn't say they were very serious, or smart about it." My doctor tells me.

"What do you mean?"

"There were traces of rat poison in your stomach. That wouldn't really affect you much, probably wouldn't have even made you faint." He tells me.

"So why did I faint?" I ask.

"It appears that you had a small allergic reaction to it, so your insides became a bit weak. You fainted from exhaustion, I guess you hadn't noticed."

"Oh." Is my response. I'm too busy thinking about all the possibilities.

Because I like Melanie, and I'm very naive, I try to cross her out of my list. I mean come on she ate the cookies with me. And of course it wasn't the lemonade because I didn't even get to drink it.

It's just some ridiculous coincidence. The cookies. The old lady. Melanie. Me.

I shake my head. Trying to deny things running through my mind.

No. I will not accuse without any evidence.

Oh no. That reminds me. Molly may already be at the police station filing some big report against Melanie. That couldn't go very well. Before I can think any further, Molly walks into the room.

"Hi partner." She gives me a smile. I smile back, and then frown. She is going to try to hide something. I can tell from the half smile she is still holding.

"What did you do?" I ask, concerned for whomever is probably in danger. Her plans can be a bit crazy sometimes.

"I know you're alright. And I'm glad. But all that matters right now is to get you out of here, and then you'll see what I have been doing."

She smiles brightly.

Oh god. What has she done?


Haiii bbys!!!! Ehh idk what to say really. :/
I kinda know where this is going. Soooo

Well I guess I'll just ask cause: What's your favorite tv show atm???
(I'm really loving Scream Queens, just saying cuz eh if anyone really cares. ^_^ Chanel slays.)

I <3 u all!!! :3

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