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Sometimes in life we don't get everything that our heart desires. Some may blame it on an insufficiency in the their economical situations. Others may frown upon their geographic upbringings. While most base their voids on religious reasons.

An idea that God has something else in store for them. Something better than what they could ever wish for. Better than they could even imagine. For he knows,them better than themselves.

Eyes wide open from birth,she viewed the world as more than simply black and white. She saw things one may contradict by saying,she did not know colors, at birth.

Cradled against her mother's breast, greatness loomed over her fragile core. Stroking her reddened cheeks with it's forefinger.

Ignorance wandered freely throughout the child's tender mind. She had absolutely no clue of the: trials, pain,victory, and glory that she would have to endure throughout her life. That will mold her into the woman she would become.

Her name was Yasmine.

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