The Arrival

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"This is entirely wrong timing to be hosting guest at court Francis," Mary, Queen of Scott's told her fiance Francis, the Prince of France.

"You think I don't know this? Lord Edward insisted on it. He not only is my Father's cousin but best friend, he will know the King is Mad," Francis replied back to her. Mary anxiously paced back and forth.

"Not only that but I hear from other nobles he is a munipulating man who is running out of wealth," Mary told Francis.

"Which is why he wants to return to court, to wed his 3 daughters" Francis crossed his arms.

"Francis we must stop him and reschedule his visit-"

"Too late. Lord Edward has arrived early," Queen Katherine said with annoyed sarcasm in her voice as she walked passed them, waving for them to follow. Mary and Francis gave each other a look and followed the Queen as they headed to the main hall of the castle. They entered the room where the King was sitting just as Lord Edward and his party entered.

"Edward!" King Henry yelled, standing up and embracing the Lord with a huge rough hug, as they patted each other on the back with heavy hands.

"Henry! It's been to long my King!" He said back. King Henry grabbed his arms and held him out in front of him.

"I am delighted to have you back at court," Henry told him, letting go of his arms.

"As am I, your majesty," he said bowing slightly. Lord Edward looked over at Queen Katherine, Mary & Francis. He walked over to Queen Katherine and bowed, grabbing her hand and kissing it.

"My Queen you are looking as beautiful as ever,"

"Lord Edward," she said annoyed. Katherine was never one to hide how she felt, and she wasn't too fond of Edward for some reason.

" Dauphin-," he said to Francis, as he paused for a second. "My little cousin, my how you have grown!"

"It is great to see you, Edward" he said politely, but with no excitement in his voice. Francis gestured towards Mary.

"This is my fiance, Mary, Queen of Scotts,"

Edward bowed before Mary. She smiled and nodded her head.

"It's a pleasure, Lord Edward"
"The pleasure is mine Queen Mary,"

Edward was a smooth man with his words. Mary had heard Francis and Katherine talk about how he was always causing trouble, munipulating, and undermining others at court. But as Mary watched him, she saw how he got away with it.
He was an older gentleman, but handsome still. She got the vibe that he was the kind of man who knew other people's displeasure with him, but he not only didn't care, but fed off it, just like he had with Katherine a few moments ago.

"Edward, I've prepared chambers for you, your daughters and staff. Take this time to get settled in as I retire to my chambers for a short while. I prepared a party tonight upon your arrival per your request, there will be many suitors ready to meet with your daughters!" Henry told him.

Mary turned sharply to Katherine.
"A party?!" She whispered harshly.
"A party I was unaware of. Henry knew I wouldn't allow it," she said between gritted teeth.

"I am so grateful for your kindness your majesty! My daughters shall arrive shortly," he bowed again as Henry walked off, servents followed.

Other servents walked over to Lord Edward to show him to his chambers, but not before Edward gave a small malicious smile to Katherine, then turned to follow them.

"Mother, how are we going to keep the King away from a party he is hosting?" Francis said to Katherine.

She didn't reply.

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