Mad King

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Cecily walked down the long hall to Queen Mary's chambers. Mary had been gone for almost three months on her honeymoon with Francis. They had left immediately the next morning, and Mary had had no time to speak to her before she left.

After Mary had returned back to French Court she took care of the things she had to, but now she wanted to see Cecily.

Cecily approached Mary's chambers and she was announced by the servant attending her before she entered the room. Cecily walked in to see Mary standing with a warm smile. Cecily smiled back as Mary walked over and embraced her with a hug.

"I am so sorry you were not able to get away," Mary said in the most concerned tone.

Cecily smile faded, but she forced a half smile back.

"It is not your fault. But your very formal letter requesting Lord Narcisse wait for Francis' and your return to court before our wedding was more than I could ever ask for," Cecily told her with much appreciation.

Since Mary knew the plan had failed, her and Francis had taken the effort to ask Narcisse to wait for them so they could attend the wedding. Even though they had technically asked, Narcisse really couldn't even say no if he wanted too, seeing that they were a Queen and a Prince.

"It was the least I could do," Mary said as she gentle touched Cecily's arm.

"But what will you do now?" Mary than asked.

"I have no other options really. Now that you are back, surely we will be wed within the next few month," Cecily told her.

Cecily noticed the look of disappointment on Mary's face.

"Mary you need not to burden yourself with my life," Cecily said warmly.

"I know but to be you are my friend, and I cannot help but feel I caused this mess," Mary told her.

Although it would be very easy for Cecily to blame Mary, she had now chosen not too. What was the point? Cecily knew she did what she had done only save Francis. There was no way she could have known the mess it would lead to. Plus, in Cecily's eyes Mary had done everything she could to make it up to her.

"Mary I have forgiven you, and I do not blame you," Cecily said with a smile.

Mary was silent for a few moments.

"I know you have and I am so very grateful, but I want you to know I will never stop fighting for you. You are my friend, Lady Cecily" Mary told her even though she still felt this sense of regret.

Cecily smiled again before she bowed and took her leave. Cecily exited her chambers and headed down the long hallway to the foyer. It was a beautiful day and she decided to head out for a walk.

The halls were mostly empty due to the weather. The sun was shining and it was cool, but nice enough to head out for a walk or a ride. She turned the corner and saw King Henry standing with a servant boy following. His guards trailed behind him, not to close to annoy him. As he approached closer Cecily stepped out of his path and bowed to her King as he walked past, and Cecily kept walking.

"Wait!" Cecily heart a voice call from behind her.

Cecily took a big gulp before she turned around, since the voice that called to her was the voice of King Henry.

Cecily turned to see him walk towards her.

"Your Majesty," She said as she bowed again.

"You are the Lady Cecily, step daughter to Lord Edward?" He said in almost a statement.

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