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Cecily had been out at Narcisse country house for almost a week. It was calm and beautiful and for once she actually felt at peace. She was spending more time with Narcisse and even though he wasn't her first choice for marriage, Cecily started to think she had for once made the right decision. He was kind for the most part and her uneasy feeling about him started to dwindle away the more she was with him. She even found herself starting to become attracted towards him.

Narcisse was handsome, smart and his desire to be one step ahead of everything made Cecily feel safe, since he was no longer plotting against her. He rarely ever had questions, but almost always had an answer. They even started to plan their wedding together. Cecily knew that he was in it for her money and land but as long as she got away from Henry and all the craziness from before she was content.

"So where would you like to go first on our honeymoon my dear?" Narcisse asked Cecily as he lounged on a giant sofa. Cecily stood up pouring another glass of wine.

The past week they spent together had consisted of Narcisse showering her with gifts, rides through the country side, nice dinners and lots of drinks.

"I'd love to go shopping in Paris," she said with a smile as she turned to face him before taking a sip of her wine.

"If that's what you wish," he said with a smile back.

Cecily stared at him for a moment. Maybe it was the wine, but she couldn't take her eyes off of him.

"What?" He asked curiously.

"All this time I did everything in my power to avoid you," she started.

"I'm well aware of that," he joked back.

"I'm not finished!" She said with a drunk giggle as she put her hand up. Narcisse smiled as he looked at her.

"I just wanted to say I am sorry. And thank you for saving me from Henry, and for being there for me when I treated you so poorly," she told him, "you've been honest with me which most people haven't and that means a lot," she said in a more serious tone as she set down her wine and walked closer to him. She lifted up the sides of her dress and straddled him as they started to kiss.

"I want to repay you for it," she said seductively as he let out a small grin.

"Leave us," he said to the few servants in the room as they resumed kissing. He quickly scooped her up and carried her to the bed.

Before they both knew it his shirt was off and everything but the very last layer of her dress was off. He was over top of her as they kissed.

"Is this want you want, or is it the wine talking?"

"A little bit of both," she said as she kissed his neck and they moved so Cecily was on top of him. She scooted down and sat between his legs.

"Lord Narcisse you've done a lot for me lately and I think I shall return the favor," she said as she started to undo his belt buckle.

He put his arms behind his head and smiled.

"As you wish Lady Cecily,"


Cecily woke up to find Narcisse fully dressed, looking as if he was off to business. It was late in the morning and they had slept in after staying up very late. Cecily  felt even better with her decision of picking Narcisse after being with him last night.

"Where are you off to?" Cecily asked him as she sat up in bed and tucked her hair behind her ear.

"I have some business to attend too," he told her swiftly. Almost as if he was in a hurry. Cecily thought this was odd. All week he had to leave here and there for different reason but today he seemed to be in a rush.

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