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Cecily rode in the carraige with Lola and her baby back to the castle. The road was clear and the plague had mostly passed. Francis rode on his horse on the front of the line along next to Condé, who Francis insisted on joining them at the castle after he helped them all.

It wasn't that far of a ride to French Court and Cecily was excited to be home and free from Narcisse. She had her lands, her wealth and her freedom and now no one could take it away, it truly was a wonderful feelings.

The pulled up to the castle gate and it slowly opened as people cheered for the King. Everything had happen so quickly between Henry's death and the black death sweeping the lands no one really had had time to see or talk to Francis yet.

The carraige pulled up and parked and Cecily saw Francis hug Mary. It was like everything was at peace even after such a horrible chain of events.

Cecily, Lola and the baby got out of the carraige. Mary came up to them as did Kenna and Greer.

"I have a son," Lola said with a smile.

Cecily noticed Mary's smile hid her true feelings. Although Cecily knew Mary was happy for her, it had to hurt knowing her best friend has a baby with her husband when so far she had been unable too.

"Mary," Francis called her over.

"This is Condé, the man responsible for saving all our lives," Condé let out a small smile.

Cecily watched Condé, Mary and Francis talk whole her friends were occupied with the baby.

Condé looked over too and they locked eyes for a moment before Cecily quickly turned away not wanting him to think she was staring.

"He's easy on the eyes, isn't he?" Kenna said about Condé.

Cecily smiled at her comment.

"Cecily when you get settled back in and get a moment we must speak," Kenna said in a little bit of a serious tone.

"Of course," Cecily told her as she noticed the crowd around was starting to disperse.

"I'm going to get him inside," Lola said as she walked towards the doors. Kenna and Greer followed.

Cecily approached Condé, Mary and Francis.

"Cecily I was just telling Condé that him and his men should stay for a few days and rest," Francis said.

"I think that is a great idea," Cecily said with a smile.

"Maybe you can show me around Court than?" Condé asked Cecily.

"Of course," Cecily told him with a nod.

"While Condé gets settled in, Cecily I must have a word with you. Walk with me?" Mary said in a more serious tone.

Cecily nodded as her and Mary started to walk back into the castle and down the halls.

"Cecily I know you didn't have the best relationship with Edward and his daughters , but I wanted to tell you personally that they succumbed to the plague. They all died shortly after the plague hit the castle," she said in a serious tone.

Cecily knew she was evil for thinking it, but things couldn't have worked out more perfectly. She never thought the death of others would bring her so much happiness. Cecily didn't want to feel this way but she had gone through hell her whole life because of Edward and his daughters.

"May their souls rest in peace," Cecily thought she would keep her mourning short and sweet, and appropriate for the Queens ears. Cecily could tell though that Mary was trying to hold back a smile.

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