A Kiss

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"Lady Cecily!" Bash called abruptly.

It had been almost a week since the party and Bash felt as though Cecily had been avoiding him. He didn't see her around court much and when he did she would hurry off with some excuse.

"Bash," She smiled as she approached him.

"I only have but I moment my step sisters are waiting in the Garden-"

"No they aren't," He cut her off. She looked at him puzzled. Cecily wondered how many times she could make a fool of herself in front of Bash.

"I only know this because I saw them leaving, to go shopping in the village,"

Cecily wouldn't make eye contact as she fidgeted with her hands.

"I know you have been avoiding me, but what I don't understand is why. We barely spoke... Did I really make that bad of an impression?" He said jokingly.

Cecily looked at him, escaping a small smile. She let out a sigh.

"I am sorry. I have been avoiding you, truthfully. Only because I was embarrassed by Victoria. Also, often times peoples kindness towards me does not come at a price." She told him.

Bash let out a small laugh.

"You have no reason to be embarrassed by her. I know how draining all three of them can be. I believe you are speaking on my cousin Edward and I am nothing like him." He said to her reassuringly.

Cecily didn't respond. She didn't really know what to say to Bash. He seemed so genuinely kind. Cecily got a comforting feeling when he was near her.

Bash walked closer to a window and looked outside. Something about Cecily drove him insane, but in a good way. From the moment he had seen her exit the carriage, to the little they spoke at the party. He was drawn to her in a way he could not explain.

"It is a very beautiful day outside. Would you join me on a walk?"

At this point Cecily wanted nothing more. Even though she tried to keep her distance from him, she decided to let her guard down.

"I'd love to," She smiled.


"Francis I am so utterly sick and tired of your mother!" Mary told him. She was so angered.

Lately Queen Katherine had been constantly attempting to drive Francis and Mary apart. Mary did not understand. She knew there had to be some reason behind it but she couldn't think of what.

"We have been engaged since we have been 6 years old. All this time and now Katherine chooses to push me away with all her might. Constantly digging around and causing chaos. Henry is already lusting for England in the worst way and this is not the time!" Mary was getting frustrated at the fact Francis wasn't saying much.

"Are you even listening to me!" She yelled.

"Yes Mary I am!" He said back. He walked over to Mary.

"Listen Mary I know things are hard right now, but they will get better. I promise. My mother is... Well my mother. She might be bothersome but she will not overstep as my father's patience with her grows smaller and smaller every day,"

Mary sighed.

Francis grabbed her hand.

"Mary you are my Queen, and no one, especially my mother is going to change that," He said with a smile.

Francis thought about everything they had been up to this moment. Mary had wronged him by sharing a kiss with her brother. He had wronged her by rekindling with his old flame Olivia, who had left after a siege of the castle and never came back. All in the past now. Although he would always be wary of his brother, just as he was sure Mary would always be bothered by Olivia.

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