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Cecily awoke early as the sun started to peak through the window of Narcisse's chambers. It Was Almost 8AM and Cecily scolded herself for being up so early after such a rough night.

She rolled over to find she was alone in the bed though, Narcisse nowhere to be found, only a note on his empty side of the bed. Cecily picked it up and read it:

I have arranged a carriage to take you to my country house. It shall be waiting at the south keep upon your awakening.


Cecily tried to repress her smile as she looked up to see a beautiful beaded dress along with jewelry to match it set out for her.

This time she couldn't help but smile. It was nice to be given something without an immediate expectation of something in return. Well, as far as she knew.

Cecily had slept on it and even though she might have only turned to Narcisse last night out of fear, she wanted to uphold her decision to let go of Bash and King Henry and try to move forward with her engangment to Narcisse. He might be an arrogant ass at times but he was for the most part a gentleman, and although he might have cornered Cecily he was honest with his intentions. He didn't make false promises or lead her on, and he hadn't put her in harms way or harmed her himself. On top of everything else he had station, money and land. He could give Cecily a title. A powerful Catholic noble like Narcisse would more than impress her terminally ill grandmother. She would leave French Court and live at one of Narcisse's homes and be rid of Henry for good. She would finally be safe.

Cecily could admit he did make her nervous. He intimidated her, but what noble man wouldnt?

Cecily got up and had Narcisse's servants draw her a quick bath before she started to get ready to meet her fiancé which, to Cecily's own surprise, had her excited for the very first time.


Narcisse chatted with noble men as people started to fill the halls of the castle. It was almost noon and it was a surprisingly nice day outside. He excused himself from the conversations when he saw one of his men walking towards him.

Narcisse and the man stepped aside away from the ears of others.

"Everything went according to plan my Lord," the man told him. He let out a smile.

"So everyone suspects the king of killing the servant?" He asked.

"Yes," the man confirmed.

Things had went exactly as Narcisse planned. He was done dealing with Cecily's childish games but wasn't going to have a face off with a mad king. His spy's had confirmed that the King had in fact threatened Cecily so he jumped at the opportunity. He had Cecily's servant killed. He knew if everyone suspected the king, Queen Katherine would silence any gossip about it, making it rather easy for Narcisse to get away with, and send Cecily running to back to him with opened arms.

"Good," Narcisse said confidently as he eyed Cecily when she turned the corner in the dress he had gotten her.

Narcisse dismissed the man just as Cecily approached him.

"You look beautiful," he told her.

Cecily smiled.

"The dress is lovely, thank you," she told him.

"I would also enjoy a day away at your country house, but I'd like to do something for Sarah first if that's alright," she asked in a sweet tone.

"Of course my dear. The carraige outside will take you anywhere you want to go, and I will meet you at my chateau afterwards,"

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