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"The wedding will have to wait some time since we do not want to take away from the significance of the beheading of the Queen, and Mary and Bash's wedding of course will come first," Narcisse said as he went through some papers.

When he heard no response, he looked up to see Cecily sitting in a chair looking out the window.


"Hmm?" She said as she turned to face her fiancé.

"You know it would be lovely if you would actually engage in any type of conversation," He said sharply.

"Really? Do you know what else would be lovely?" Cecily started in an innocent and sarcastic voice.

"Not being forced to marry a sadistic ass!" She finished angrily.

"Must we go through this... Every day?" He asked as he rolled his eyes.

"Yes, or you could not ruin my life and call off this ridiculous engagement," Cecily said to him as she stood up from her seat.

Narcisse walked closer to her.

"There are girls begging to marry rich noblemen, men that could raise their station and give them a life of luxury. You do remember you are technically a nobody, correct?" Narcisse said maliciously, obviously getting annoyed with Cecily's constant back lashes.

"Well maybe you should have forced once of those girls to marry you," She said with anger in her voice.

"But the problem with that is they are not you my dear," He said putting his arm around her and pulling her close, running his hand along her back. She swallowed hard.

"You are so beautiful," He said in her ear.

"Please," She backed away gently, not wanting to drive him too mad, that he took things too far.

Cecily wanted to keep the pretend virgin façade going as long as she could so she wouldn't have to sleep with him, at least until her wedding day.

Narcisse kissed her, and she unpassionately kissed him back.

"Now, I have some business to attend too. I shall return later tonight," He told her in a serious tone.

Cecily nodded before she curtsied and exited his chambers, thankful she wouldn't have to see him for the rest of the day. She thought maybe she could come up with some kind of plan to escape this marriage, but she only knew a few people with enough power to do anything for her.


Mary sat on her bed with Greer as they chatted about upcoming affairs. Bash was out enjoying himself, under Mary's orders of course. She knew she had put him through a lot lately and although she couldn't change it, she wanted him to be as happy as he possibly could.

A servant entered the room.

"Your Majesty," She said as she bowed.

"What is it?" She smiled.

"There is someone here, that wishes to speak to you privately," the servant said as Mary saw Cecily enter her chambers and stand at the door.

Mary's smile faded.

"Please, leave us," She asked Greer sweetly.

Greer got up and headed out the door as Mary released the rest of her servants.

Mary stood up as Cecily slowly approached her and started to bow.

"Please don't," Mary said softly before Cecily could finish the curtsy she had started.

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