Broken Hearts

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Cecily awoke next to Bash who was still asleep. The sun was barely just starting to rise. She wore only the under dress of the gown she had worn last night. Even though she was in the clear with her uncle, she knew she should hurry to her chambers before someone could gossip about her walk of shame if she stayed any later. She slipped on her gown and braided her long black hair before she tied it up into a fashionable side bun. During the mist of getting ready Bash had heard her and started to wake. Cecily glanced over to see him start to open his eyes.

"I am sorry, I was trying not to wake you," she told him as he rubbed his face.

"Where are you going?" He asked in a sleepy voice.

"To my chambers, to bathe, and change," She said as she grabbed onto the sides of her dress to remind him she was still wearing the same dress as yesterday.

"I want to spend the day with you," He told her as he sat up.

"Take a carriage into the village at noon, I will arrive separately shortly after to avoid rumors and we can go out to my mother's chateau were we are able to be together, not in secret,"

Cecily smiled. They rarely got away from the castle together, let alone for a whole day. They could be together here but only in private, hid away in different rooms, or their chambers. Cecily thought about how wonderful it would be to do as they pleased.

"I can't wait," She leaned over to kiss him, and as she did he grabbed her and pulled her back into bed.

"Bash!" She said playfully through laughter.

"What! Just stay a bit longer," he said as he then started to kiss her.

"Sebastian I will see you later," She said in a pretending to be serious tone as she got off the bed and headed to the doors.

The halls were all but empty except a few servants here and there. Cecily hurried to her chambers before anyone important could spot her.

She had a bath drawn and relaxed for about an hour before she got out and changed.

She let her long dark hair flow in its natural curly state as she normally did down her back with a few braids with beads at the end. She used to hate her jet black hair because people starred, it wasn't a normality among the French, but as she grew older she realized she liked how it separated her from every other girl she had ran into. She looked at herself in the mirror, making sure her appearance was perfect to impress Bash. The darkness of her hair and the light liner she used around her bright green eyes made them pop even more, as did her perfect deep tanned complexion. She knew her features weren't typical but she knew that's why Bash thought she was so beautiful.


Mary lay in bed as she watched Francis get dressed. She had almost completely made up her mind to marry him, to ignore the prophecies and do what her heart desired, do what her whole country desired. She was to be the next Queen of France. But this didn't completely mask the uneasy feeling she had. She tried to convince herself it was only nerves. Francis looked over at her and silently smiled. Mary took a deep breath.

"I hope you know whatever happens, I love you," She told him.

"What's going to happen? We are getting married tonight," Francis said reassuringly as he walked towards her and leaned against the bedpost.

Mary didn't answer.

"I know your scared but talk to me, if it's about England-"

"It's not politics," Mary cut him off.

"So much has happened to drive us apart, do you think we are testing fate?" She asked him as he sat down on the bed next to her as she laid on her side facing him.

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