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Cecily rode down a narrow road on a horse she had unhinged from the carraige that had taken her to town just a few hours ago. She didnt want to stick around for Narcisse, or to get sick. She saw this as her time to escape and get to French Court, even though she would probably have to wait out the plague, as long as she could survive it. She would admit that it wasnt the most well thought out plan but she had to work with what she could.

It would be growing dark soon and now she was unsure of what her next move would be. All she had was her horse and the cloths on her back. She needed food, shelter and water.

She trotted along the path, which was now starting to be consumed by woods. Cecily thought this way would be a more suitable option, seeing as there would be less population and it would be less likely she would get sick. She would follow it until it met with the Kings Road, and from there to the castle.

As she rode she heard a small creek flowing and knew this would be her chance to stop and get some water for her and her horse so she steered off the roadway and headed into the woods following the sound of water.

The creek wasnt too deep into the tree's when she spotted it. She got off her horse and lead him to the water where he started drinking. She bent down and scooped up some with her hands and drank as well. It was mostly quit besides the sound of the water and the critters nearby scurrying around, when suddenly an arrow shot past the head of the horse, spooking it.

It let out a large neigh before it ran off deeper into the woods.

"Dear Lord why does this always happen to me?!" Cecily said aloud in a frustrating tone remember the last time she was in the woods riding looking for Bash when her horse took off.

Cecily sighed as she watched the horse dissappear.

"Are you alright?" A voice called.

Cecily turned around to see 4 men approaching her, who all seemed to be of noble birth from how they were dressed. They also had bows with them, so she knew the arrow must have came from them.

"I am alright but your stray arrow scared my horse off," she said them.

She was a little nervous, most noble men she had interacted with weren't the best of people, but now she was alone in the woods with them.

"I'm sorry, we were hunting," he told her.

The man was handsome with dark hair, tanned skin just a little lighter than Cecily's, and dark brown eyes. He stared at her for a moment.

"What is a high born lady like you doing out in the woods during a plague?" He asked.

"Im trying to get to French Court," she said nervously.

He must of noticed her uneasiness. He took a step closer and let out a small smile.

"Unfortunately the Kings Road is blocked off, but we have a small camp about a mile from here until the plague dies off. We would be more than happy to shelter you until I can take you to French Court myself, safely," he said.

"Do not be afraid, we are friends of the crown. My name is Loius, Prince of Condé," he said with a gentle bowing gesture.

"Cecily Tousignant," she said with a curtsy.

"Will you join us, Lady Cecily? I promise it will be the safest place for you under the circumstances," he said in a friendly tone, trying to ease her worries.

"Alright than," she said realising she really didn't have many options at this point.


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