Shame Pt. 2

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*2 month later*

"What's wrong?" Condé asked Cecily as she lie partially on top of him, her head on his chest and arm across his stomach. She stared out her open window at the sun halfway set behind the tree's.

"Did you know It's been two months since I've stepped foot outside?" She asked him nonchalantly.

"Yes, I have," Condé replied.

"I'm sick of this Louis," Cecily whined as she sat up.

It had been 8 weeks since Katherine had locked Cecily up in her chambers under constant gaurd. Cecily didn't refuse or fight it because she knew it would be pointless, plus it wasn't like she was treated as a prisoner, but she was starting to get stir crazy.

The first month and a half ware hard, only a few select servants and visits supervised by Katherine's gaurds. Francis didn't visit much, he wanted to avoid rumors to his favor of Cecily with her reputation. The same went for Mary, who tried to atleast stop by more frequently than  Francis. Condé was who she had seen the most. The past month they had really gotten to know each other and talk. Every hot and steamy make out session had been cut short due to Cecily not wanting an audience from Katherine's men who didn't leave the room.

"I know, but on the brightside the past 2 weeks she has finally let us be alone," Condé said as he sat up and started kissing her.

He brought his hand up to the back of her neck as he slowly guided her so she was laying on her back and him over her, leaning to the left side. His hand went under her skirt and she let out a moan.

"Condé," she said through breaths as she seized her kissing and  grabbed his arm.

"I want to runaway from here," she told him.

"I wish we could," He smiled as his hands resumed under her skirt and he started to kiss her again. Even though it took everything in her to stop him, she gently stopped and sat up, and Condé did the same.

"I'm serious Condé," she said in a small voice.

"You can't," he told her sternly.

She furrowed her eyebrows at him.

"It has been two months since those men stepped foot in France. They made camp and haven't harmed anyone since they burnt down that village. If they were coming for me, they would of been here by now," she told him.

He sighed and looked away.

"Cecily people want to kill you. They think your one of them. You being up here is the only thing that's kept them at bay," he tried to reason with her.

"If you can get me far enough away from here no one will recognize me. I have the money to bribe someone to help, I just need you to do it for me," she pleaded.

Condé got out of the bed and headed over to the table in silence as he poured a glass of wine.

Cecily got out of bed and walked over to face him as she wrapped her arms around his waist.

"The first time I tasted freedom was when you saved me from Narcisse, only for it to be snatched away by Katherine... I want that back," she told him.

He gave her a frustrated look before he slowly out one hand on her check and kissed her.

"Alright. I can't make any promises but I'll see what I can do," he told her quickly.

They had both grown very fond of each other, and Condé wanted to do anything he could do to help her. The past two weeks they had barely been apart. Condé knew how miserable she was starting to get locked up in her chambers.

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