Party of Two

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"Mary they are awful!" Kenna said entering the queens chambers.

Lola, Aylee and Greer laughed, knowing exactly who she was talking about.

"I mean I thought I was demanding but those girls are-"

"Outrageous?" Mary let out a little laugh as she finished her sentence.

"Yes, very much so. They are parading around the castle demanding things and acting as if they have no manners,"
Kenna went on.

"I know Kenna, but we must be nice. We can only hope they get married off sooner rather than later," Mary said as Aylee brushed her hair.

"I think they are quite intertaining," Lola laughed.

"It is pretty amusing watching Katherine dodge them at all cost. Just on my way here I passed them sitting at a table arguing with each other. Katherine was heading in that way, saw them and turned right around!" Kenna told them.

"I suppose it will be funny watching them annoy Katherine as much as she annoys everyone else," Greer replied.

"Kenna, did you happen to see a fourth girl with them?" Mary asked.

"No, just the three. No one wanted to sit with those girls,"

The way Kenna replied she could tell she had no idea that Cecily had came with them. Mary wondered if Cecily got along with her step sisters.

"Well, off with you guys! You must get changed for the party! I am nearly ready, I can finish on my own!" Mary said in a jokingly bossy tone. Her ladies in waiting left. Mary finished putting on her jewelry.

She stepped out of her chambers. As the party grew nearer the hallways of the castle filled slowly. Mary knew she had some time before she was expected. She wondered the halls until she found a servent who had been attending Lord Edward and his family.

She approached the servent. She curtsied to Queen Mary.

"How may I serve you Your Majesty?" She asked. Sometimes Mary got annoyed with all the formality everyone took with her when she just had a simple question, but she smiled back.

"Could you point me into the direction of Lady Cecily's chambers?" She asked.

"Please follow me, your grace," Mary nodded and followed the girl down a few hallways to Cecily's chamber. The servent curtsied and Walked away.

Mary stood at the door for a moment, before she knocked. She waited a few more moments and a servent opened the door.

"I'm here to speak with Lady Cecily,"

Cecily heard Mary's voice on the other side of the door. She panicked a little. Why was a Queen at her door? She took a deep breath and cleared her throat.

"Your Majesty, please come in!" She said cheerfully.

The servent girl opened the door wider and Mary entered the room.

Cecily nodded at her Servent who left the room and shut the door behind her.

Cecily studied the Queen. She had brown long hair and ivory skin with light golden brown eyes. She was truly beautiful Cecily thought to herself.

"And what do I owe this pleasure to?" Cecily asked, as she gestured Mary to a seat. Mary sat, as did Cecily.

"I just wanted to come and give you an even warmer welcome, as I found out this is your first trip to French Court," Mary said.

"It is. To be truthful, it's awfully nerve racking," Cecily confided. Mary gave a gentle smile.

"I visited court when I was very young, but was sent away until just a short while ago. I felt very alone at first and I don't want you to feel that way," Mary told her.

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