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Cecily's blood boiled as she stood in the tent alone. Everything was over. She was so close she could taste the happiness, just for Narcisse to tear it right from here. Anger and sadness rushed through her until she couldn't contain herself anymore. She walked over to the night stand and flipped it over with rage. She than walked over to a table holding candles in glass holders and chucked one to the ground and watched it shatter. She picked up another and slammed it on the table in her hand. She let out a cry of frustration as she banged her other fist on the table.

"Lady Cecily," she heard someone say in an alarmed tone.

Condé entered the tent, but Cecily didn't look up at him. She just stood there with tears flowing down her face.

"You're hurt," he said.

She looked up at him for a moment. She was hurt emotionally that was for sure, but she noticed him looking at her hand. She glanced down to realize she was still holding pieces of the glass in a tight grip.

Her shaking hands lifted from the table and slowly let the glass fall from her hand that was dripping blood.

Her adrenaline was rushing so she felt no pain, but seeing the damage she had done she sobbed even more. She didn't even care she looked like a fool in front of Condé, nothing mattered anymore.

"Let me help you," Condé said as he gently grabbed her arm and lead her to the bed.

She sat, still uncontrollably upset, as he went to the tent and lifted up the opening.

"Clear this area and fetch me some water," he told someone outside the opening before he walked back over.

"Working yourself up will only make matters worse," he told her calmly.

She gasped a little as she tried to catch her breath. One of Condé's men brought in some water and Condé swiftly dismissed him. He than ripped off two pieces of her bed sheets and dipped one in the water.

"Please," he said as he knelt down and grabbed her bloody hand.

Cecily sniffled as she wiped her tears with her free hand.

"This will hurt a little," he said as he started to clean her hand.

She hissed at the pain.

"I'm sorry I've acted such a fool," she said in a small voice... maybe she did care a little.

"You haven't. It's not easy holding in all your emotions. When you do its bound to happen," he told her kindly as he took the other piece of cloth and wrapped her up hand.

"Why are you so nice to me? You don't even know me," Cecily demanded. Most people's kindness to her came at a price. She didnt mean to lash out at him, but she couldn't help it.

"Because it seems like no one else ever has been," he replied, as he stood up and sat next to her on the bed.

She thought about that for a moment.

"What happened?" He asked.

"I must marry Narcisse," she told him in a emotionless tone.

"Why? Would about your plan? I can make him and his men leave here and-"

"I appreciate that greatly," Cecily cut him off, "but it won't help. There is no way around it anymore,"

"What changed?" He asked.

"It's just not worth the fight anymore," Cecily said as she turned to face him, giving him a look, a look that begged him not to ask anymore questions. He let out a sigh of disappointment, but he understood that Cecily wanted to leave it at that.

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