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Cecily awoke her arms tied to a chair with her wrist facing up. She struggled to get free but it was no use.

The room was crowded and had about 5 woman and 2 men. There were plants every where and more candles than Cecily could count burning.

"What is going on?!" Cecily demanded.

No one said anything. They just keep doing what they where doing as if she wasn't there.

A women walked over to her carrying two bucket and set them directly under where her hands that were tied to the chair.

"What are you doing?!" Cecily questioned her frantically.

"It's time," the woman said as the people in the house started to form a circle around Cecily and the woman. One of them handed her a knife and she placed it on the palms of both her hands with her arms outstretched in front of her.

Cecily's heart raced as she squirmed around.

"Let me go!" Cecily pleaded.

The woman looked at her.

"I'm sorry but I cannot do that. You are an abomination to nature, and in order to purify this world of your kind, you must die," she said in an almost reassuring tone, as if this was just a normal task that had to be done.

"Listen I might be blood to the Northmen but I do not share their faith," she told the witch in a shaky tone.

"I do not judge you on your beliefs child, fore I too am a witch of your faith. You are a creature that should not walk this earth. You cannot produce your own magic, but you siphone it from others. Such a thing should not exsist. If you live and have children of your own one day the line will continue. Your blood sacrifice will give us a binder in a spell that shall make sure no one ever shall posses your ability again," she told Cecily.

Cecily thought this was madness. Witch? Magic? BLOOD SACRIFICE?! She had no idea what she was talking about.

Suddenly before Cecily could speak another word the group of people started chanting. The words were of no language she had heard before. They were all in sync. As they chanted the woman bent down in front of Cecily and used the knife to create a big slit on her left wrist.

Cecily yelped in pain but the woman, unfazed, ignored her. Cecily looked down as she watched the blood flow from her cut and into the bucket under her. Next, the women did the same to the right wist, and Cecily let out another cry.

Cecily could hear her blood dripping into the tin buckets. Her tears started to flow, making streaks on her face.

"Please," she pleaded but was once again ignored. She was starting to realize there was no use.

They kept chanting and Cecily's vision started to blur. She knew from the state her body was in and the amount of blood she was losing, she would be dead in no time.

She tried to stay awake, but she was fighting to stay conscious.

This is how it would end for her. After everything she had been through, after she finally put everything into place, she was going to bleed out in a farm house and no one would ever know.


*2 days ago*

"Let's go," Rollo said as he walked up to the tent after leaving Cecily to sit alone for a few hours.

She didnt ask any questions but did as he said and followed him out of the tent. They walked almost a mile with a few men trailing behind them until they reached a small stone building that looked like it could have been a church in a open field.

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