Death Pt. 2

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"You are absolutely sure that the King did this?" Queen Katherine asked Cecily who sat next to Mary on a couch in Cecily's chambers.

"I don't know who else would," Cecily said through sniffles.

Katherine paced back and forth angrily.

"Did she have any family?" Katherine's tone was cold and emotionless.

"No," Cecily said quietly.

"No one must find out about this," Katherine said as she turned to one of her men.

"Take the head and Find the body. Dispose of it," Katherine said swiftly.

"Wait! What about a proper burial?" Cecily said swiftly with sadness in her voice.

"We cannot afford to risk someone asking questions," Katherine told her strictly.

"But she surely deserves it!" Cecily said angrily as she stood up abruptly. She could feel the tears welling in her eyes.

Katherine looked at her for a moment before she walked over to her and looked Cecily dead in the eyes.

"My dear you should of thought of the welfare of the ones you loved before you started bedding my husband, a mad King. Your lucky it wasn't you... although it looks as if it almost was," Katherine said sternly as she broke eye contact with Cecily to look at her neck, before looking back in her eyes again.

Cecily swollowed hard as she put her hand up to her neck.

Katherine starred at her for another moment, as Francis and Mary looked at them.

"Have that mess cleaned up before anyone can ask questions," she said before she walked out of them room.

It was quiet for a few moments.

"Cecily," Francis broke the awkward silence as he walked over and stood in front of Cecily.

"Do you know why he would of done this?" Francis asked.

"No, I um.. he only... once he threatened Bash. He told me he would kill him if I saw him again. He was so angry he um, he grabbed me by my throat," Cecily said in a shaky voice trying to stop herself from crying.

"His eyes were so dead, when he did it, he just watched me while I was choking... as if he enjoyed it,"Cecily told him.

Francis looked away from her, avoiding eye contact.

Cecily felt so embarrassed.

"I saw Bash, I thought I was going riding with Mary but he just used it as an excuse to get me to talk to him. No one knew though, I don't know how Henry would of found out," Cecily told him.

"He asked me. I had no idea," Mary quickly interjected.

"I thought he was delusional," she added.

Cecily started to panic.

"Francis he will kill Bash, and me and-"

"I will not let that happen," Francis cut her off quickly.

A servant walked up and Mary, Francis and Cecily all looked at her.

"My Lady where should we take your things? Shall I alert Lord Edward? Or anyone?" She asked shyly.

Francis and Mary both turned toward Cecily, as she starred at her blankly.

Who should she alert? Lord Edward surely wouldn't care nor would her step sisters, she had no real family. She had to wait for Bash to see the candle, and even if she did what would she say? Bash I've been bedding your father and he decapitated my servant in a fit of jealous rage? The only other person she had a somewhat relationship to was the King who was the reason she was in this mess. He was mad and hell bent on him having her or no one does.

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