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Cecily rode in the carriage on the path to the house she had shared with Narcisse. Her heart was practically exploding as she thought about seeing her son again. She had prepared herself for a life with out James, and now that she had the option to stay or go, to take him or leave him, she knew exactly what she wanted to do.

The carriage pulled up to the big house and Cecily couldn't even wait for the door man to come around and open the door, so she pushed the door open and got out herself. She peered into the large window to see Narcisse holding James. Both were smiling and seemed to be happy.

Cecily took a gulp, wondering if she was making the right decision. James seemed to be fine without her and even though her and Narcisse were able to be civil Cecily knew he wouldn't exactly be pleased to see her again.

She walked up the steps and knocked at the door. One of Narcisse's servants answered. Cecily could tell by her facial expression she  hadn't planed on seeing Cecily again.

She let Cecily in and told her she would go fetch Narcisse so they could talk. Cecily was nervous about what was to come.

She paced back and forth in the front room of the house while she waited for Narcisse. It was only about 5 minutes but it felt like a lifetime before he finally entered the room.

"I did not expect to see you again," he told her.

"Nor did I, and this might upset you, but I am here for my son Narcisse,"

"Our son," he corrected her sternly.

Cecily took a gulp.

"I am leaving France and I want to take him. He needs his mother, and I need him. I tried to leave him and give him a better life with out shame but where I am going nothing I've done shall matter. He will have a family who loves him and will protect him. You can have everything. My money, lands... anything that went to James will go to you,"

Cecily was practically babbling. She didnt fear Narcisse as much as she once did, but she knew how difficult he could be. Once she finished her explanation, she took a breath, patiently waiting for a response as he stared at her blankly.

"You want me to let you take our son to be raised by savages in the north?" He questioned her flippantly.

She took a few steps closer to him. Her eyes looked into his, pleading him.

"Stephan I have given up so much willingly, and my son isn't one of them. You'll have everything, and you have other children, I do not. I have a chance to be happy far away from France. Please, let me have this happiness," she begged with pain in her voice.

She was not below begging when it came to James.

He sighed.

"I cannot deny a child his mother," he said softly.

Cecily let out a deep breath full of relief, a little shocked that went as smoothly as it did.

"I'd like some time to say my goodbye's," he said, looking away from her as if he was unable to look into her eyes. She knew this hurt him, he loved his son. Cecily was grateful he didn't argue with her.

"Of course," she said sincerely as she lightly touched his arm.

"I'll be back at sundown for him," she said before she took her leave, not wanting to give him a chance to take back his words. She'd give him his time, and than she would take James and never look back.

*3 days later*

Cecily gasped for air when she awoke. Her head throbbed and confusion took over her.  She didn't know where she was or how she's gotten there.

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