♥︎❁15❁♥︎ Love hurts

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Natasha fled from the room, hands cupped over her nose and mouth as the tears kept flowing uncontrollably down her cheeks.

Her vision was blurred by the curtain of tears over her eyes and she stumbled down the corridor of the student dormitory.

She hadn't walked far, instead, she had stopped at the dorm next to Clint's. She knocked softly on the door with trembling hands.

A key turned in the lock and the door creaked open. Without warning, Natasha lunged forward at the person standing there, wrapping her arms tightly around his back and sobbing into his chest.

She felt the safety of strong arms crossing over her back and embracing her as he slowly led her in.

After her sobs had quietened down and became less intense, he gently pulled her away from his chest and held her at arms length.

He looked at her through his turquoise-gray eyes in a soft and comforting gaze.

"What happened, Natasha?" Bucky asked.

Natasha only sniffled. Bucky ran his fingers down her face and tucked away a lock of hair that had been plastered to the side of her tear-drenched cheek. Natasha quivered slightly and had averted her gaze from him.

Seeing that she still wasn't ready to tell him anything, he stroked her shoulder and motioned her towards the couch.


"You told her what?!"

Clint placed a hand on his forehead as he supported his elbow on the armrest of his wheelchair.

"I know I've hurt her really badly. I-I regret what I said." Clint felt warm tears trickle down his face.

"Then why did you even say it?" Steve asked, a little exasperated.

"I wanted to drive her away."

"Now, why would you want to do that? You love her."

"That's exactly why. I don't want to be her burden and have her suffering because of me. She'll not be happy with me, and it'll just hurt her more." Clint ran his index finger below his eyelids in bid of drying away the tears.

"Where did Natasha go after that?" Steve asked, trying to help his friend with the problem.

"I don't know. When I opened the door and looked down the corridor, she was already gone. She must have ran as far away from me as possible." Unbeknownst to him, Natasha was actually just a door away.

"I'll call her and ask her where she is."


Natasha's phone rang. She gingerly slid it out of her pocket and looked at the caller ID. It was Steve.

She stared at it for a few moments, but didn't feel like talking to anyone.

Bucky, who was sitting next to her, glanced from her to the phone. When Natasha was going to reject the call, he gently grabbed her hand and took the phone from her. He answered.

"Hello, Natasha, it's Steve."

"Hey Steve. It's me, Bucky actually."

"Bucky? Did I dial the wrong number?"

Clint looked up at Steve when he heard him addressing Bucky.

"Nope, this is Natasha's number alright. She doesn't feel like answering but she's okay, don't worry about her."

Steve paused for a moment, pondering whether to let Clint know that Natasha was with Bucky.

"Err thanks buddy, bye." He quickly ended the call.

"Is Natasha with Bucky?"

Steve swallowed before answering, "Nope, I dialed the wrong number heh heh. Maybe I'll try Natasha's number now."

"Don't bother, I don't think she'll answer her phone right now."


Bucky ended the call and returned the phone to Natasha. She looked at him with her reddened eyes.

He smoothened her hair before saying, "You look tired, why don't you get some rest in my room?"

She could only nod before he led her to his room.

Love was a wall away, a door away.

Natasha slid under the blanket and thought about what Clint had said to her. Did he really hate her so much and never wanted to see her again? Was everything between them over just like that? She couldn't understand why, she loved Clint with all her heart but he just couldn't see. She couldn't let go, not so soon, not in a million years. It was just too painful, too hard to forget everything they had been through together.

On the other side, Clint stared at the blank television screen before him. Maybe that was it, she would never come back after what he had said. Maybe he could live with it, if it's for her happiness then it's worth it. But why couldn't he get her out of his head? He may have driven her away physically, but in his mind, she could never be erased, not so soon, not in a million years. Try as he might, it was just too painful, too hard to forget everything they had been through together. And one thought resounded ever so loudly in his mind, he did love her, with all his heart, more than she'd ever know.

Still, Clint tried to mend the cracks in his heart. Stitched it, put a band aid on it. If he wasn't able to express his love for Natasha anymore, the least he could do was to keep that chamber intact.


Bucky tucked the blanket around Natasha and turned to leave.

"Can you...stay with me?" Natasha didn't know what went through her mind that made her say that, maybe it was the security and comfort he provided when she was most vulnerable, maybe he had made her feel loved and wanted when Clint had failed to do so. It wasn't that she didn't love Clint anymore, it was just one of those times where she couldn't be strong anymore and needed someone to be there.

"Of course." Bucky turned back towards the bed and sat down beside Natasha. She sat up and shifted in a little to make space for him and he scooted closer to her, their legs side by side.

Bucky's heart ached to see Natasha so heartbroken. Although she didn't tell him why, any fool could tell that it was because of Clint. Only he could make her happy, and only he could make her this sad.

Natasha leaned into him while he wrapped an arm around her. When she looked up at him, Bucky couldn't help but have his eyes fixated on her lips.

And then have his lips on hers.

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