/ Chapter 1 /

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My Twin's Teammate

Chapter 1

I walked into school this morning and I went to my locker. On my way I said hello to my boyfriend, Nick.

The warning bell rang so I quickly grabbed my stuff, said goodbye to Nick, and hurried to class.

On my way this kid decides to bump into me! How rude! He didn't even say sorry!

Maybe I should let him off the hook. He was kinda cute....

No! Stop this Haley. Your dating Nick!

I walked into class and sat down next to my best friend Lyla and told her about what happened with the boy who ran into me!

He looks really familiar I just can't find a name..


Fifth period ended and that meant school was over!

I walked out of the class and saw Nick kissing another girl! I walked up to him and by that point they pulled away.

I slapped Nick right across his face with tears in my eyes. I yelled at him, "What is this Nick? How long have you been cheating on me? Was this all a plan so we would break up?"

"Haley. This isn't what you think this is."

"Oh yeah Nick?" By this point I had tears streaming down my face. "Then what is this?"


"You know what, I'm just going to leave you two alone. That seems what you want anyways."

"Haley! Wait!"

I ran to my car leaving Nick behind like he actually cared.


2 hours.

2 hours I have been laying in bed crying over Nick and eating ice cream and watching sappy romance movies with Lyla. I ran out of ice cream so I went to get more.

When I was looking for more in the freezer I heard the front door open.

"Haley! I'm home! We brought more ice cream!"

We? I knew Parker would be home soon but I wasn't expecting a we?

I walked over to where Parker was and there was another person with him.

It was that kid that bumped into me in the hall and just walked away! Now I remember him! He's my brothers best friend! Duh!

"You! You're the kid that bumped into me and never even said sorry!" I think he did but whatever.

"Haley calm down. I know your all worked up about the whole Nick thing but-"

I didn't let Parker finish. I couldn't bare hearing his name.

Before he could finish what he was saying I was already back in my room with Lyla crying again.

Geez! I really have to stop crying! I just couldn't. He was my first boyfriend. I thought he actually liked me but I guess not.

My crying was interrupted by a knock at the door. Parker came in and ran up to me and gave me hug just like Lyla was doing. How sweet of him!

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you." Parker's so sweet!

"Group hug!" I heard a familiar voice say. Eventually I felt another pair of arms wrap around my waist.

I had a pretty good feeling as to who it was. And I'm not that happy about him hugging me.

"Ew Parker, get your friend off of me."

He chuckled and let go of me. "Come on Ryan. Let's leave the girls alone." Parker kissed my forehead and Ryan winked at me before he left my room.

I sure hope I won't be seeing anymore of Ryan.


Of course I was wrong! I see him everyday! He comes over and hangs out with Parker.

I'm starting to get used to Ryan being around but I'm still not a big fan of him.

Just a warning!!! My first 2 or 3 chapters are awful!!!!!! Just warning you but please please please keep reading!!!

At the top/side is Indiana Evans who portrays Haley Jones!

Don't be a shy reader, tell me what you think!


Teaser: Haley's first softball game! There's always something bound to happen at a game... Right? Someone intrudes softball practice. Any guesses on who?

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