/ Chapter 14 /

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Brittany and Haley talk. They become sort of friends. Haley, Parker, and Ryan go to the mall. Ryan and Haley get stuck in the elevator.

My Twin's Teammate

Chapter 14

"You okay?" Ryan asked me as I started shaking from the coldness in the elevator.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine. Just c-cold." I stuttered.

"Oh, then here." He took off his jacket and wrapped it around my shoulders. Then he wrapped his arm around shoulders, rubbing his hands up and down my arms.

"Thanks." I said, getting slightly warmer.

"No problem." I turned my head and looked into his eyes. His eyes shoved a bunch of emotions I couldn't place. I could tell he put up walls too hard - almost impossible - to break down. I could see a crack in the wall so someone out there - probably Nicole - is breaking them down very slowly. I didn't process Ryan's face inches away from mine and my heart beating as fast as a jackhammer at how close we were until the elevator started moving downward again.

I jumped and we stood up, me taking off Ryan's jacket and giving it back to him. "The stuff that happened in this elevator stays in the elevator right?" Ryan asked, breaking the silence.

Inside I felt sad. I don't know why, but that question made me sad. "Yeah. Of course." I answered, not making eye contact with him.

The elevator door opened and Parker came rushing in, wrapping me in a tight hug. "Are you okay? I was so worried about you!" He said, holding me at arms length and shaking my shoulders.

"I'm here too you know?" Ryan said, sounding annoyed.

"I know. I just care about Haley more."

I stick my tongue out at Ryan and he rolls his eyes. "I'm fine Parker. Honestly."

He eyes me up. "Okay. Well, let's get going. It's been a long day."


I needed to talk to someone about this. My feelings, I mean. They are out of control. Whenever Ryan looks at me, talks to me, or is near me, my heart starts to pound and my hands get sweaty. I have an idea at what's happening, but I needed to tell someone. And who is the best person to talk to your feelings too? Your best friend of course! So I called Lyla.

"What's up? You sounded a little nervous on the phone." Lyla said, coming into my room. She sat down next to me on my bed, leaning against the headboard.

"I have to tell you something that's been on my mind." I said, twiddling with my fingers.

"Ah! So, who is it?" She asked, getting weirdly excited.

"What do you mean?"

"Who do you like? I know you like someone because your playing with your fingers. You always do that when you're about to tell me something important. That's what you did right before you told me you liked Nick. So, who is it?"

"Who is what?" I asked playing dumb.

She rolled her eyes at me and yelled, "Who do you like!"

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