/ Chapter 2 /

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My Twin's Teammate

Chapter 2

I am currently sitting on my couch. Nick's arm around my shoulder. Parker on my other side and Ryan on Parker's other side.

We're watching a movie so I can try and not focus on how bad my knee hurts right now.

My right knee is throbbing in pain and covered in ice. My cheeks puffy and wet and my eyes red from crying. How did I get in this position? Let me rephrase that for you!

|2 hours ago|

"Strike two!" The umpire yelled.

Pitching was one of my favorite positions in softball. I also loved shortstop but when I wasn't at shortstop I was either pitching or benched for the inning.

After strike two I was hoping for a strike three. But but wish did not come true. Instead, when I threw the third pitch the batter swung, and the ball flew straight into my knee.

Parker, Nick, and Ryan, yes Ryan, came running out onto the field. My right knee was throbbing in pain while Parker carried me off the field.

He laid me onto the bench in the dugout and my coach called for a paramedic.

They examined my knee and said it will be fine. I just have to ice it everyday for an hour in the morning and an hour at night. They said it will hurt for a week at the most but will heel.

|Present time|

And that's how I got into my position right now. Let me just explain a few things.

Parker was there because he's my twin brother so I wouldn't expect anything else.

Nick was there because we made up like a few hours before the game. Apparently the girl kissed Nick a millisecond before I came out of my class and it was just bad timing. I don't fully forgive him but I do enough to still call him my boyfriend.

Ryan. Well I actually have no clue why Ryan was at my game. Maybe because Parker needed someone to talk to during my game or something? I really don't know.

Anyways, we are having a Hunger Games marathon. Tonight we are watching The Hunger Games and Catching Fire.

Tomorrow we are watching MockingJay Part 1 and then going to the movies to see MockingJay part 2!

We just got finished watching The Hunger Games and about to start Catching Fire when I saw the popcorn bowl was empty.

"I'll go get more popcorn. We're all out." I said. Ryan said "Ok," at the same time Nick and Parker said, "No!"

"You have to stay seated because of your knee. I'll get more popcorn." So Nick got up and went to get more popcorn.

"Parker, you're overreacting. I'm fine. I can get up and get more popcorn. Watch."

So I did. And I made a big mistake. Once I stood up pain shot through my knee.

So I sat back down. And when I did Parker gave me an I-told-you look.

"Shut up." I mumbled right when Nick came back with more popcorn!


2 days later and I'm on the field at practice.

There is still a slight bruise where the ball hit me but it doesn't hurt enough to skip practice.

Parker and Ryan are at practice today. My couch said that they're 'helping our team'. I don't know what they can do but seeing as though they are both on a really good baseball team for our school makes sense.

"Ok girls! Line it up!" My coach, Mick, yelled. "Parker and Ryan here are going to be helping our team out. With their help we will be the best team in America! I'll be in my office if you need me. The boys are in charge." He finished.

"Ok. Haley how many players are on this team?" Parker asked me.

"15." I answered.

"Ok. 15 laps around the field." Ryan yelled.

What!?! He can't make us do that. "You can't make us do that!"

"Um yes we can. Didn't you here coach? We're in charge. Now 15 laps unless you want 20!"

So we did it. 15 laps!

All practice we didn't even touch a softball. 15 was our magic number. 15 push ups, crunches, sit ups, suicides, burpies, jumping jacks, you name it!

And if one person did one incorrectly we all had to restart and do 5 more than we did last time!

Insane I tell you! Insane!


After practice was over I couldn't move! Lyla couldn't either. Yes she is on my softball team.

"How was MockingJay part 2? As amazing as I told you?" Lyla asked me while we couldn't move sitting on my bed.

🔴Spoiler if you plan on seeing MockingJay part 2. Just a warning!🔴

"It was amazing! Parker and I were bawling our eyes out when Prim and Finnick died! But when Katniss told Gale to leave I was like praise the lord! Everlark will last forever. I mean come on. Josh Hutcherson is so much better than Liam Hemsworth."

"I know exactly what you mean. I was bawling too. Ugh! I just can't even!"

🔴spoiler over!!🔴

"I still can't believe Parker and Ryan made us go through all of that at practice! I'm not going to be able to move tomorrow!" I told Lyla.

"I know me too. Anyways girl I have to go. I'll talk to you tomorrow." Lyla said as she got up and started to gather her stuff.

"Bye. See you!"

When she left I hardly made it downstairs. I lounged on the couch and that's when Jerk #1 and Jerk #2 walked into the door.

I'm so going to give them a piece of my mind!


At the top/side is Jake T. Austin who portrays Parker Jones!

Don't be a shy reader, tell me what you think!


Teaser: Haley gets a little crazy! Karma always happens after you do something. Shocking news from Parker and Ryan!

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