/ Chapter 12 /

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My Twin's Teammate

Chapter 12

"Fine, I'll tell you. You might not like this, but I'll tell you." Parker told me, not so happily. I nodded my head for him to go on.

"I was with Brittany." He told me.

It took me a while to process that through my head. "Why?" Is all I asked.

"Because she's my girlfriend." He breathed out. His eyes never leaving my face.

I stared at his face as a million thoughts rushed through my head. What? Why would Parker be dating Brittany? Out of all people. Nick broke my heart and went to Brittany. Now I get what Nick meant by getting Parker back. Parker stole Brittany from Nick so he was torturing me. Why hurt me though? Why not Ryan or, I don't know, Parker!

Out of all those thoughts I only managed to say two words. "Why Brittany?"

He hesitated before talking. "She's sweet and nice and beautiful. You've  never met her before. Nick was the jerk. Not Brittany. Nick was cheating on you for Brittany. Technically, she had almost nothing to do with it. It was all Nick. I really like her Hal, I've liked her for a while. I was going to tell you the day you and Nick ended, but then I found out he was dating Brittany so I didn't think it was a good time.

"Then I heard Nick and Brittany broke up so I went over to her house to ask if she was ok, and one thing led to another and we ended up making out. After that I asked her out, she said yes. After our first date I asked her to be my girlfriend. She agreed and I was just on a second date with her."

There was a couple minutes of silence till I broke it. "Then I'm happy for you. I get your reasoning about Nick and stuff. If you really like her then so be it. I'll support you guys even if she's not my favorite person in the world."

He came in for a hug and I hugged hm back. I had to pull away quickly though because I started to feel pain. Not just in my back.

"Come on, let's get you better." Parker told me.


"Come on, get up. It's been 1 week. I'm pretty sure your all better." Ryan said, walking in on me binge watching One Tree Hill on Netflix.

"What did I tell you? When I'm binge watching my favorite show, you don't interrupt!" I snapped at him.

He held his hands up in mock surrender. "I just thought you wanted to know, Parker, Brittany, Nicole and I are going to the beach. We want you to come. Well, Parker, Brittany and I do. I'm not sure about Nicole. Oh, and Brittany wants to talk to you."

"Get out."

"I'm not leaving here until you get up." He said crossing his arms and leaning against the door.

I got up and walked over to him with a scowl on my face. I pushed him out the door and said, "I'm changing. And I'm inviting Lyla!" And slammed the door in his face.

I got dressed in a white bikini that criss-crossed around the back.

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