/ Chapter 8 /

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My Twin's Teammate

Chapter 8

"We're here!" Parker announced after we finished off our last hour.

He pulled up to a spot to park our RV for the weekend and we all climbed out. There was a pool, restrooms, a campfire. There was a lot.

"I think I actually might enjoy this weekend." I said.

"Of course you will. I'm here." Ryan said, slinging an arm around my shoulder.

Oh Lord help me.

I patted his arm. "Sure honey. Just keep wishing."


"Let's play spin the bottle." One of the boys from the baseball team announced.

"Yeah!" Most of the other boys announced. About half of the team and I are all currently in the lounge area of our RV.

"I'll go first." Ryan announced. He took the bottle and spun it. "Ok, Mikey. Truth or dare?"

"Truth." Mikey answered.

"Who was your first kiss?"

"Miley Kelly."

"Nice." About half of the people in their room murmured.

"Ok. Spin it Mikey." The game continued, nothing really interesting happening, until the worst happened. The bottle landed on Ryan.

"Ok Ryan, truth or dare?" One of the other teammates asked.

"Dare." Ryan responded.

"I dare you to kiss Haley." My eyes widened in shock.

Why does he have to kiss me? Why!

Well I am the only girl here...

"No. Nobody kisses my sister. Unless she wants to kiss them." Parker announced.

All the boys looked at me asking if it was ok.

"No! No it is not ok!" I practically yelled.

"You heard the lady. Choose another dare!" Ryan announced. His face red like a tomato.

"Fine. I dare you to kiss Haley on the cheek. And your lips can't leave her cheek for 10 seconds."

"Ok. I'm fine with that." Parker announced.

I looked over at Parker in disbelief. He just shrugged his shoulders.

"Fine. 10 seconds is all!"

Ryan walked over to where I was sitting. He sat down next me with a smirk on his face.

He placed his lips on my cheek.


Please make this quick.


This is taking forever!


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