/ Epilogue /

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Question: Should I enter this book into The Wattys 2017?

My Twin's Teammate


6 Years Later

"Come on, Ry!" I cheered, as Ryan walked up to bat.

The pitcher threw the ball, "Strike!" The umpire yelled.

"You saw it! Now drive it!" I yelled.

The next pitch he swung his bat and missed the ball. "Strike!"

"Come on, babe!" I cheered.

On the last pitch, Ryan swung. He hit the ball and it went past the pitcher, but to the second baseman. Ryan ran as fast as he could, but he got out at first.

A few batters later, Parker came up to bat. "Come on, Parker!"

The first pitch, Parker swung and hit the ball between right and center field. The ball dropped.

"Woooh!" Everyone in the stands cheered. He hit a double.

Soon later, we were on the field. And Ryan stepped up to pitch.

He walked the first batter and struck out the second. "Keep it right there!" I yelled, doubting he could hear me.

The rest of the game flew by. Us winning 5-4.

"Great game!" I yelled, jumping into Ryan's arms as he walks out of the dugout. I peck him on the lips as he lets me go. "Ew. You're all sweaty."

"Well now you know how I feel after your game." Ryan smirked at me.

I rolled my eyes, kissing Parker on the cheek as he walks out of the dugout.

"Come on, we have to go home and get ready for you're game. Are you excited?" Parker asked me, as we walked to the parking lot.

"Of course!" I replied.

We drove home and got changed. Then we headed out to my game!


"Come on, Lyla!" I cheered, as she stepped up to bat.

She struck out.

"It's okay. You'll get em' next time." I said, giving her a smile.

She smiled back as I walked up to bat.

Come on Haley, you got this. Swing when you feel like it's your pitch. I thought, giving myself a small pep talk.

The first pitch was a strike. Me fouling the ball. The second pitch was another foul ball.

"Come on, Haley!" I heard Ryan and Parker cheer. I smiled, the pitcher winding up.

I swung and hit the ball, it going out into right field and over the fence! I hit a home run! Wooh!

3 people scored, me and two other girls that were on base.

Most of my teammates met me at home plate. Giving me high fives.


We ended up losing, 10-7. The other team scoring on us in the fourth and fifth inning.

We shook hands with the opposing team, then packed up our stuff and had a post-game talk with the coach. Me just blanking out most of the conversation.

"Nice home run!" Ryan greeted me, as I walked out of the dugout.

"Yeah," Parker agreed. "You were great!"

"Thanks, but we lost." I responded.

"So, you win some you lose some." Parker said, trying to cheer me up.

"Yeah but we were undefeated. Now we're not." I said, feeling down.

"So were we. We lost the other day. We got mercy ruled! At least it was just by 3 for you. It was by 10 for us." Ryan said.

We walked to the car and drove home.


"Wanna have a catch?" Ryan asked me.

"Sure," I agreed, shrugging my shoulders.

We grabbed our gloves, then walked into the backyard, "The bucket of balls is by the step. Grab one?" He asked me.

I nodded, walking over.

I bent over to grab a ball, but what was inside made me gasp!

There were four baseballs in a row, and written on them was Will You Marry Me? With a ring in the middle.

I gasp and place my hands over my mouth

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I gasp and place my hands over my mouth.

I see a hand bend down and grab the ring. I turn around and Ryan is down on one knee.

"Haley Jones, I have known you for a while now. We didn't get off to a great start, but I'm glad I was your twins teammate. If I would've never met Parker, we wouldn't be in this position right now. But I love you and I will keep loving you until the day I die. So, Haley Jones, will you marry me?"

With tears steaming down my face I said, "Yes, yes, a million times, yes!"


I'm sorry this is so short! But, did you like it?

Is anyone writing a one shot for the contest?

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Remember, the contest end July 30th!

Don't be a shy reader, tell me what you think!


Ps. I have decided that I am doing a bonus chapter!! So don't take this book out of your library just yet because it's not finished! I don't know when it will be published because I'm going away for a little bit, I will write as much as I can when I'm gone. So stay tuned!

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