/ Chapter 10 /

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My Twin's Teammate

Chapter 10

-Haley's POV-

"100 bottles of beer on the wall! 100 bottles of beer! Take one down, pass it around, 99 bottles of beer on the wall! 99 bottles of beer on the wall. 99 bottles of beer! Take one down, pass it around, 98 bottles of beer on the wall!" Parker and Ryan were singing at the top of there lungs.

This is going to be a long trip home. I thought.


"36 bottles of beer on the wall. 36 bottles of beer. Take on down, pass it around, 36 bottles of beer on the wall." Parker and Ryan said. They are starting to sound annoyed.

"Stop! I can't listen to this anymore! Please stop!" I cried out.

"Yeah man, I'm done too. This song is boring." Ryan agreed with me.

"Fine." Parker agreed.


"We're finally home!" I announced, walking into the front door with a smile on my face.

"Why so happy to be home babe? I thought you liked sharing a bed with me?" Ryan asked me. The smile dropping from my face.

"We didn't share a bed you nimrod." I responded. "Your bunk was just right across from mine. And don't call me babe!"

Ryan put his hands up in surrender. "I was just messing around!" I punched him in the shoulder and went upstairs to my room to unpack.

When I finished unpacking all of my stuff, I went downstairs to make a sandwich or something for lunch. Surprisingly, there was already a sandwich made sitting on the counter. With a note.


I knew you were upstairs and I didn't want to bug you. Ryan and I went to the fields to play some ball. I made this ham and cheese sandwich for you.

Your favorite brother,

Parker is so sweet! I'll have to thank him later. I take my time eating my sandwich and after I finish eating, I go and sit down on the couch.

I grab my book The Bad Boy and the Tomboy and start reading. About an hour into reading, I drift off to sleep.


"Haley hurry up! We're going to be late to school!" Parker yelled at me from downstairs.

"Okay, I'm coming!" I yelled back.

I dressed quickly and went downstairs.

"You do know it's supposed to be like,60 degrees right?" Ryan questioned me as we all hopped into Parker's car, me taking shotgun

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"You do know it's supposed to be like,60 degrees right?" Ryan questioned me as we all hopped into Parker's car, me taking shotgun.

"With winds at like 50%." I responded in a 'duh' tone.

He rolled his eyes at me and we soon arrived at school.

I walk inside and go to my locker to get my stuff for homeroom. Before I got to my locker, I saw a group of guys surrounding a girl.

I quickly dropped my stuff off in my homeroom and walked up to Lyla. "What's going on over there?" I asked her.

The girl they were surrounding didn't look like a normal slutty brat. Instead of a crop top and a mini skirt, she was wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt.

"She's the new girl. Apparently she's so good at baseball, she made it on the boys baseball team after like 10 minutes on the field. I also heard she's a major tomboy and her only friends are boys from the team." Lyla told me.

"Wow. Wanna go introduce ourselves? Maybe we can become her first girl friends?" I asked.

"Sure." We walked over to her, trying to squeeze pass all the boys but we finally made it to her.

"Hi, I'm Haley and this is my friend, Lyla." I stuck my hand out for her to shake.

She stared at my hand like I was crazy then started to laugh. Which made all of the other boys laugh.

"What's so funny?" Lyla asked. I could tell by her tone that she was getting annoyed. I gave her a warning look then went back to smiling at the new girl.

"What's funny is that you think we are actually becoming friends. By the way, the names Nicole." I frowned at what Nicole said.

"What did you say?" Lyla said to her, already too angry to try to calm her down.

"You heard me, freak." Uh-oh.

I quickly got ahold of Lyla before she could do any damage and dragged her away. Nicole and the boys started to laugh as I dragged her away.

"Let me go!" She yelled.

"Calm down, she's not worth it. We have each other. We don't need her." I told her. I watched her as she calmed down then we went to class.


"Did you guys meet the new girl?" I asked Parker and Ryan, sitting down at our lunch table.

"Yeah, she's-"

"A jerk. I know." I cut Ryan off.

"I was going to say awesome but I guess that works too?" It came out more as a question then a statement. He gave Parker a questioning look.

"What happened with you guys?" Parker questioned me.

"Lyla and I were going to introduce ourselves and possibly become friends. She didn't have the same idea. She started laughing then all of the other boys did too. She said she thought it was funny that we thought we were going to become friends. I hate her already and I only had one conversation with her." I told them.

Parker and Ryan stared at each other for a long time like they were having a conversation through their eyes. It was kinda weird.

I cleared my throat and that seemed to bring them back to reality. "Anyways... What do you guys think of her?" I asked.

"Well like I already said, awesome! She is like the best player on the team!" Ryan told me.


"Eh. She's cool." Wow. So much enthusiasm.

"Ok." We talked for the rest of lunch and I finished eating. I threw away my trash and went to my next class.


Don't be a shy reader, tell me what you think!


Teaser: Ryan makes a decision that I don't think you will be very fond of... Parker is hiding something from Haley! I don't think she'll like it... Haley gets into some trouble and Parker isn't there to get her out of it. Most of the time someone is...

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