/ Chapter 15 /

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My Twin's Teammate

Chapter 15

"What movie should we watch?" I asked as we sat down on the mattresses.

"Let's have a High School Musical Marathon!" Ryan blared out.

"Yes!" I yelled, as the same time Parker said, "No."

"Oh come on, please? For me?" I asked, giving him the best puppy dog look I could muster up.

"Fine, but no singing!"

That didn't happen. Ryan and I ended up singing every song and dancing to some. Parker got so mad, but I saw him mumbling the lyrics every once in a while. My favorite was We Are All In This Together.

The last movie ended around 3 in the morning. I'm so glad school got canceled. Something about the power not coming on for awhile or something.


"Let's rent a boat for the day." Ryan suggested.

"Yeah, why not?" Parker agreed.

"Fine by me." I said. "But can I invite Lyla?"

"Only if I can bring Brittany." Parker argued.

"Deal. Don't you want to bring Nicole?" I asked, looking at Ryan.

"No. I broke up with her yesterday." He said. My mood instantly lightened.

"Why man?" Parker asked, putting a hand on Ryan's shoulder.

"There's someone else." He stated, taking a glance at me. Well, there goes my 2 seconds of happiness.


"You couldn't have rented a bigger boat?" I asked as I looked at the small size of the boat Parker rented.

"It looked pretty big in the picture I saw." He responded.

"Well obviously the picture lied

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"Well obviously the picture lied." Ryan said, patting Parker on the back as we climbed into the boat. The boat looked more like this:

 The boat looked more like this:

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