/ Bonus Chapter/

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My Twin's Teammate

Bonus Chapter

3 Years After The Epilogue

"Ryan!" I yelled, needing his help.

"Yeah?" He yelled back.

"Can you come help me! Cassy's not listening to me!"

"Cassy, listen to your mother!"

"Please come up here!"

"Ok, fine. Be there in a second!" He walked upstairs and into the bathroom. "What do you need help with?"

"Ever time I try to wash her body, she keeps moving away from me." I said, tears starting to fill my eyes.

"Hey, hey, hey. Calm down. It's okay. She probably just doesn't like the smell of that soap or something. Here, I'll find another soap while you sit here." He said, placing me on the toilet lid and placing a hand on my stomach.

I smiled as he successfully washes Cassy with the different soap he got. "You're good with kids. I bet this baby is going to love you almost as much as I do." I placed my hand on my stomach.


It seems that just when I fell asleep, she starts crying again. "I'll get her this time, you go back to sleep." Ryan said, as he kissed my forehead and walked out of our room.

Cassy just doesn't sleep. So Ryan and I don't sleep. So we are all cranky. All the time.

I opened my eyes and saw Ryan carrying a 5 month old baby girl in his arms. "I'm just going to let her sleep with us. It seems like she doesn't want to sleep in her crib." He whispered.

"Ok." I whispered back.

Ryan placed Cassy in my arms as he got into bed with me. I snuggle up next to his and he wrapped his arms around me, holding me and Cassy.

I soon fall into a deep sleep.


I am awaken by a crashing sound. I notice that Cassy is still in my arms and Ryan is still next to me, now wide awake.

With wide eyes, we got out of bed and slowly walk downstairs. Ryan carrying an old metal baseball bat in his hands.

We walk down the stairs quietly, and into the kitchen.

And standing there, in all his glory, is my idiot, twin brother, Parker Jones.

Ryan and I sighed in relief, "What are you doing here man? It's 6AM." Ryan said.

"I wanted to surprise you guys with breakfast." Parker responded with a nervous grin on his face. "I dropped the pan. Sorry for waking you."

"Wait, I know that grin. Why did you really come here?" I asked.

Parker sighed, "Fine. I need both of your help."

"With what?" Ryan asked, looking confused.

"Well, I want to propose to Brittany, but I don't know how." He said. I still can't believe its been him that long. I mean 9 years? Wow.

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