/ Chapter 9 /

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My Twin's Teammate

Chapter 9

-Ryan's POV-

"Let's go on this one." Haley said, once we sat down at a table in front of the awesome looking slide.

"No." Most of the other guys groaned.

"Why not?"

"Let's take a break. Then we will go on." Parker told her.

"Fine. You guys stay here, I'm going on though."

"I'll go too." I said, going up next to Haley.

"Ok. Bye!"

Me and Haley started our track up the stairs.

All of a sudden Haley slipped and hit her head.

"Haley!" I pulled her upward. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine." She put a hand on her head and stopped walking.

"Let's go back down." I suggested, getting scared.

"No. I'm fine." She even smiled to prove it but I saw right through her. She wasn't fine.

Then all of a sudden, she fell to the floor and I tried to shake her awake but she wouldn't wake up.

I picked her up and stared carrying her down the steps.

"What happened?" Parker said, running up to us.

"She slipped and hit her head. She's not waking up, we have to take her to the hospital." I rushed out.

"Ok, Mikey keys!" Mikey tossed his keys to Parker and we ran to his car. I made it thanks to baseball practice.

I lay Haley down in the backseat then I sit in the passenger seat letting Parker drive. A few minutes later we arrived at the hospital.

They took her back for some testing. Now all we have to do it wait.


"Parker Jones?" The doctor said, coming into the waiting room.

Parker stood up very fast and walked over to the doctor. "That's me."

"Well, Haley is perfectly heathy. Nothing is wrong with her. She has a minor concussion so she has to take it easy for the next few weeks."

"Is she awake? Can I go see her?"

"She is still asleep but you are welcome to go wait until she wakes up. She should wake up soon."

"Ok. Thank you. Come on Ry."

I stood up and followed Parker to Haley's room. When we got there, she was laying in her bed asleep with oxygen mask on.

"She should wake up soon. When she does make sure she stays calm, but if she starts to freak out calm her down and if that doesn't work, hit the nurse button."

Parker just nodded and I said, "Thank you doc."

He gave us a nod and said, "My pleasure."

I can't believe I'm saying this, but the doctor was wrong. Haley didn't wake up soon. She woke up an hour later.

"Parker?" I heard a quiet voice say. I looked over at Haley's bed and saw that she was awake and she looked scared out of her mind.

He ran over to the sue of her bed. "Haley, your ok. Calm down."

"What happened? Why am I here?" Her voice was a little muffled with the oxygen mask on.

"I think this is Ryan's story to tell."

Wow Parker, thanks for putting me on the spot like that.

"Well, after we won the championship game, we went to the water park. We went on some slides, then most of the team wanted to take a break but you didn't. So I volunteered to go with you on this awesome looking slide. We were climbing up the stairs, when you slipped and fell and hit you your head. I helped you back up but you wobbled around a bit and put your hand on your head. All of a sudden you passed out. You wouldn't wake up so I went and told Parker. We took you here and here we are now." What a long story.

Haley looked away from me and stared down at her hands. Parker glanced at me and then looked back at Haley. "You ok Hals?" Parker asked her.

"Yeah. I'm fine." Such a lie but Parker let it slide.



Haley got released from the hospital 3 days later. The nurse told her to take it easy. She had a concussion and she had to go back in 2 weeks for a follow up check-up.

When we got to the RV, Parker asked me, "Can you help Haley inside? I need to grab her bags and stuff."

"Yeah, sure." I answered.

I got out of the car and walked around to Haley's side. I helped her up and helped her walk to her bunk. She carefully lied down in her bunk and before I left Haley said my name. "Ryan?"

"Yeah." I responded.

"Thanks." She said with a smile.

I smiled back. "No problem."


I'm soooooo sorry!!! It's really short, I know! I'm having a writers block and I hope it ends soon!

The picture at the top was submitted my basicxlilly

Don't be a shy reader, tell me what you think!


Teaser: It's back to Haley's POV! They leave the tournament and you meet a new character! I have a feeling you're not going to like her. I'll tell you one thing about her... she's a tomboy!

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