/ Chapter 6 /

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My Twin's Teammate

Chapter 6

I was looking into my mom's eyes.

I screamed and jumped away quickly. Then I heard Ryan's voice say "Haley? Are you ok?" I looked back where my mom was and I saw Ryan in her place.

"Yeah. I'm fine. The lights coming back on scared me a little." I lied.

"Ok..?" He drained out slowly. "Are you ok? You were crying."

I sat back down next to him on the bed. "I was just remembering some things." I felt the tears build up in my eyes again.

He wrapped his arms around me again and I buried my head in his chest. The tears leaking out. "I miss them."

"I know you do. I miss my aunt. She was more of a mom to me that my real mom. But remember, they are always watching."

I let those words sink in and I eventually let sleep take over why Ryan soothes me in his arms.


I woke up in my bed a little confused. My head wasn't on a comfy pillow, it was on a hard chest. Specifically Ryan's chest.

I slowly got up, trying not to wake up Ryan. Of course he wakes up though and says, "Hey. How was your sleep?"

"Good. You?"

"Fine." It was awkward. Very awkward. So I asked a simple question.

"Why did you sleep with me last night?"

"Well, you were crying. A lot. I didn't know what was wrong. I thought you were scared or something, so when I was calming you down, you fell asleep. I carried you back onto your room and before I left you asked me to stay with you. So I did."

I faintly remember me saying that. I was still a little fazed about what happened last night.

"Oh. Well thanks."

"For what?" Boys. I swear.

"For actually staying with me and trying to calm me down."

"No problem." He gave me a small smile then got up and left my room.

After I got dressed, I went downstairs into the kitchen where Parker was cooking breakfast.

"So you and Ryan had an interesting night."

"Nothing happened!" I stated annoyed. "We just slept."

Parker just hummed in disbelief and I rolled my eyes.

"When Ryan comes downstairs I have something exciting I want to share with you two." Parker told me.

"What about me?" Ryan yelled, coming into the kitchen.

"Take a seat. I have something I want to share with you and Haley."

"What is it?" I asked curiously.

"We're going on a road trip!"

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