/ Chapter 3 /

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My Twin's Teammate

Chapter 3

"Boys! Get it here right now!" I'm surprised they actually listened to me. I tried to get up but it hurt like crazy! I did anyways though.

I walked over to them and I jumped on Parker and he fell to the floor. "How dare you put my team through that!" I straddled him and I started to punch him but not that hard. 

When I thought I was done with Parker I stood up. Ryan backed away but that didn't do anything. When he tried to run away I jumped on his back and he then fell to the floor.

Before I had a chance to start punching him I was lifted off the ground and thrown over my twin's shoulder.

"Hey! Put me down! I have to give Ryan a piece of my mind!"

"No. Your going to stay in your room and calm down." He threw me on my bed but that didn't do anything.

I ran past him and down the stairs and tackled Ryan to the ground to finish my job. I straddled him but before I could punch he grabbed my wrists and flipped me over so he was straddling me.

"Just because you beat up Parker doesn't mean you have to attack me right?"

"No! That means I do have too!"

"No you don't."

"Yes I do!"



"Fine. You get one punch got it?"

I smile happily that I won this fight. "Well I prefer more but one is better than none!"

He got up slowly. When he was fully off of me I stood up and I punched him. More than once.

"Hey you agreed to one! That was more!"

"You actually thought I was going to listen to you? Ha! That's funny!"

Parker entered the room and said, "Now that you are done beating us up. I hope. Can we explain to you why we put your team through that?"

I sat down on the couch and they sat
either side of me.

Parker started. "We do that every day at practice. We have more players so we have to go through more. We put your team through that because I care about you and I don't want your team failing because they were out of shape."

Ryan continued. "I care about you too. Not a lot but a tiny bit to at least help your team so your happy. We're really sorry. We were only doing it because we care." He cares about me?

"See even Ryan cares and that means a lot. We are doing this for you and your team so your happy when you guys win. I always love seeing your smile when your team wins the game. I hate it when you have that super sad face on and is all grumpy when you get home."

I just then realized that they were each holding one of my hands. Why was Ryan holding my hand? Ew. I quickly released my hand from theirs an hugged them both, while smiling.

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