/ Chapter 18 /

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I know I said that I would update over the weekend or early this week but I couldn't! I ended up going to the shore! I came back Wednesday and I had almost nothing written! I ended up partnering up on this chapter. basicxlilly thank you so much! You were a HUGE help! It means a lot that you would help me write! Anyways, I think you are going to like this chapter... Now read!

My Twin's Teammate

Chapter 18

"Parker, where's Ryan? Isn't he supposed to be down here with us?" I asked Parker, getting slightly worried. He was upstairs for a while...

"He told me he was going to the bathroom." Parker casually responded.

"I thought he was just in the bathroom?" Parker and I shared a glance then dashed up the stairs.

We ran over to the bathroom and Parker knocked on the door. "Ryan, you in there?" He asked sounding nervous...

No response.

I sighed and knocked on the door once again, "Ryan, come on, are you in there?"

Still no response.

"Idiot." Parker mumbled before offering me a nervous smile. I knew that smile from a mile away.

"What?" I drawled out slowly, becoming impatient.

"I think I know where he is." He said nervously.

"Well? Where is he?" I said, shaking his shoulders.

"He's uhh..." Parker laughed scratching the back of his neck, "You see, it's kind of a funny story..."

"Parker just spit it out will you!" I screamed at him rather loudly.

He put his hands up in mock surrender. "Okay. Jeez. Calm your horses. Why are you so worried about where he is anyways?" He smirked at me.

My cheeks turned a bright red. "Stop changing the subject! Where! Is! He!" I swear, if Parker doesn't tell me where Ryan is, I'm going to knock him out. I mean, what could be so bad? He couldn't of left the house... could he? If he did I might die. He might as well be up doing something in his room that he doesn't want us to know about...

"He..." He mumbled the rest in his hand.

"He what, Parker?" I asked confused.

"He went..."

No! "What! Where did he go?" Okay, I'm officially worried.

"He went to get something." Parker finally told me!

"What is so important that he had to go out in the middle of a hurricane to get?" I yelled.

Parker just stared at me long and hard. "You have to open your eyes more." He told me. What?

"What do you mean?" Now I'm really worried, and confused.

"Trust me, you'll find out."

"Ugh!" I stomped over to the kitchen counter, grabbed my keys, and walked outside.

"Where do you think you are going, young lady?" He followed me outside, sounding just like my dad... 

"I'm going to look for Ryan!" I yelled over the loud rain. "Since you're not telling me where he is, I'm going to take longer! I'll have less of a chance of dying, if you tell me where he is!"

"I'm not arguing with you! I'm not telling where he is," I gave him a look. "Bro code." Stupid bro code. "I'm going inside!" Such a nice brother. Letting me go out in the storm where I could possibly die! He's probably just doing this, thinking I'll go in after him. Not today, Parker!

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