One Shot Winner

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I sadly only got ONE entry for the one shot contest, and here it is!!


Ryan's Pov:

I yawned, slowly opening my eyes and rolling over to check the time.

1:00 p.m! Why didn't Haley or Parker wake me up? I hope they didn't leave without me!

I rushed out of my room, practically flying down the stairs but, as I reached the bottom step, I slipped and fell backwards landing on my butt.

I groaned, gripping onto the stair railing for support but instead, someone took my hand. I looked up to see a laughing Haley. She was wearing an apron with her hair in a messy bun.

She finally finished laughing and offered me an apologetic smile. "Are you alright?"

I rolled my eyes, wobbling into the kitchen and taking a seat at the table. "Oh yeah, I'm feeling great!"

She danced around the kitchen before placing a plate of grilled cheese in front of me.

"You know, I shouldn't take this as an apology, but your grilled cheese is the best!"

She laughed again before turning around to go work on some... cupcakes?

I took a bite into the amazing cheesy sandwich, but immediately put it down when I realized I forgot the whole reason why I came down here in the first place!

"Wait Haley, what about Lyla and Zach's wedding?"

She turned to face me and I could tell she was trying not to laugh. "Ryan, the wedding's tomorrow."

Of course it's tomorrow, idiot.

Parker trudged down the stairs. He was staying with us to help Haley make sure she got everything done, which I wasn't the best at doing.

One time, we went to Parker's apartment to help him move in. Haley was in charge of ordering pizza before we left so it would be there when we got there for dinner. But of course, she forgot and everyone was furious with us.

"How are those cupcakes coming along?" He mumbled, taking a seat on the stool next to me.

"Good. Just a dozen more to go!" She beamed, before carefully icing a cupcake.

Suddenly, smoke started coming out of the oven.

"Oh my gosh," she panicked, running to the oven, "I forgot those cupcakes were in there!"

She gently placed the burnt cupcakes on the counter before she groaned, throwing her head back. "2 dozen, I have to make 2 dozen more cupcakes"


I walked down the stairs, tuning in on Parker and Haley's conversation. Haley was running in and out of the house as Parker yelled out a checklist.

"And that's it!" Parker beamed throwing his hands in the air as he dropped his paper.

"Finally!" Haley sighed in relief, grabbing her purse off the counter.

I continued my way down the steps, smiling when I saw her.

"Hey gorgeous!"

She laughed engulfing me in a hug "Hello handsome."

Parker chuckled at the door, crossing his arms, "Are the lovebirds ready to go or do I have to leave by myself?"

Haley rolled her eyes, dragging me with her to the door. "Let's go idiots."


I'm was about to refill my plate, when someone tugged on my arm.

Haley dragged me out to the dance floor and we slow danced along with the other couples.

As soon the song ended, I started my walk back to the food table. Without any hesitation, I filled my plate and started stuffing my face, right there at the table.

Haley laughed, joining me, taking food off of my plate and eating it.

We stand there, watching our closet friends dancing on the dance floor before I put my plate down, grabbing Haley's hand.

"Wanna dance?" I yelled to her, even though we were standing right next to each other.

"Come on idiot." She laughed, as she ran onto the dance floor.

We danced like idiots the rest of the night. Lyla, Zach, and Parker joining us.

And I wouldn't have it any other way.


This was written by basicxlilly be sure to follow her and read her books!

Anyways, this book is officially finished! I hoped you enjoyed it!!

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