Just my gate way to peace

184 23 17

Hey guyssss...
Eh who am I kidding...by guys I Mean Ross,Valvor,PP,Dana, Themature5yearold and Muffintop XD
I'm so lonely<33 lol Jk

Anyway on this update I pretty much just want you guys to check out these songs <<<333 Enjoyyy

Song 1...(remix) revolution Diplo. (Skip to 2:25 for the amazing beat XD it always makes meh day)

Song numero 2:::: Mad Hatter-Melanie Martinez

Song 3===IGDFR

Song number 4!!!!!! I'm the map
Lolololol hope it made you guys laugh<3

Song number 五 5>>>
Little Einstein remix (THIS IS AMAZING!! XD)

Hope you enjoyed<33

I tag you following people to name at least 5 of your favorite songs then tag other people to do it too<<33

Don't forget to tag mwah So I can listen to your favorite songs of all time<<33 I would recommend you guys write it on your bio or sumthin but up to you guys<<33

Bai guys~~~

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