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I have the weirdest eyes in the world 😂

Anywhale I think I'm taken, but idk I'm not set on him.. I'm not so sure about it. I love being single so... YEAH

Idk, I love kygo ❤️❤️ their music is so good ❤️😱

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Idk, I love kygo ❤️❤️ their music is so good ❤️😱

I closed my eyes and just took off running ⛷⛷⛷

I had a really racist friend once and I also had a friend who was African.. She was amazing 😂

But everyone hated her for some odd reason and just didn't hang with her :P

So that racists friend of mine was like...
"Stop acting black"

••• The following contains swear words. Read at your own risk •••
Bitch please, how the fxck do you act like a colour?!?!? You don't just go up to someone and be like..

Hey!! I'm red! Oh, oh LOOK! He's yellow! Oh, ohhh I'm green now!! Oh my, hes purple!!!

••• what the hell.

You need to make sense bitch. Your senses are stupid AF.

••• Ok, I'm done •••

I honestly hate it when people do that 👠



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