Before 2016

109 16 45

Hello....its me..
I was wondering if after all these years you'd Like to eat. Wait what?

Jello everyone!! Its Jay✌✌✌
So before 2016 I just wanna write this ❕❕❗❗‼❓‼❓‼❕〰❗➰〰➰➰〰➰❔❔❔◼▪⬜◽⬛◾⬜◾⬜◼◻▪◾◽◽▪⬛⚫▫▫▫⚫⭐⚪⚪✨✨▶▶⤵◀⏩⏪⏩⏪⏩⏬⏫↔↘↔⬇↖↙⬆✳➕➗➖➗✖❎⭕ℹ✔✔㊗©❌©❌㊙㊙®®⛔♻♿➿♓♎♓♓♐♍⏰♋♈♋♊♉♍⌛⏰

Not all that....I meant this XD

This year was fun, I met new people and new people met me. I made new friends and my friends made me...(What? ಠ_ಠ)
I've hurt people and I don't wanna do it again, people have hurt me...YOU CAN KEEP DOING WHAT YOU DO BEST !!

Next year...I'll remember my mistakes, correct them well and do my best to keep myself in the goodie good girl mode XD

-Eyal-..I'm sorry about rating you a 'K'
You're beautiful.... ;)
Le Queen Eyal (//・_・//)

Bitchatchos...meh shall always love you XD You meh chika and you ish mwai bien ✌✌
(What language was that? XD)

You're amazing ✌
You're a great friend and you mean a lot to me..more than chocolate. I'm serious.

You iz a vampire...well, was.. You was also coraline but YOlO I guess XD
You're hilarious and also meh beffie

You are annoying as fudge XD and you're delicious, cuz I love fudge so ehh.

Omg...its hard to remember your names on here XD
Leave a comment and I'll write you guys special notes...
So yep CX
You're all really special to me ❤❤
Believe me.. ❤❤

~Jay ✌

I was wondering if after all these you still smell like feet?

(I look bad in all the pictures above .-.)

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