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Why is this game so effing hard YET SO ADICTING?

69 😂😂😊😊😊😂😂😂

Suffer- Charlie Puth

Today....I shall randomly blabber cuz I always blabber, in reality I'm already a blabber mouth so 💋💋


  I don't get why the girl always has to fall in love with an alpha? What about the betas? Or just a normal dog -0-

Those love stories with that
'Cliché' part

So they are kissing under the rain - THATS NOT THE CLICHE PART FOLKS- this is-

Guy: I see, I've made you wet. Again..

Its happened before??!?! 😱

We understand the joke...but its getting overused 😐

The- Description-of-A-Hot- Guy

“He had beautiful blue eyes, blonde locks and a husky voice that had a touch of an angels whisper"
What? Where are you going with this? 😂 tho the description is epicly interesting but I don't get why every guy has to have a 'husky' voice.

Hey, beautiful. 😘

Those- 'doing it' - parts

“I saw his blue eyes, staring at my- LALALLALALAL's'- my body shivered as he ran his hand down my back
to unhook my Ba Ba Ba BANANANANAaa"

I don't wanna say anything 😂 I'm scared 😱




Yo! Hey! BRAH!
How are you?
I'm good too! Thanks for asking 💁

Love you all to infinity and beyond 👉👉👉✌

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