ŞİMDİ OKUDUĞUN Jay's Dilemmas Rastgele Basically, the thoughts, rants, events that happen in my lame life ❤ Chocolate ✌ #bio #funny-ish #hmm #idek #me #random #sexual Ouch. 123 22 9 thyself- tarafından thyself- tarafından Takip Et Paylaş Profiline Gönder E-posta ile paylaş Hikayeyi şikayet et Gönder Send to Friend Paylaş Profiline Gönder E-posta ile paylaş Hikayeyi şikayet et I hurt my ankle XCSo we had PE today...again == and they made us run 800 metres DX bee_lieveKETCHUP22Mr-EMO We went through it XD How are all of you guys anyway? XS Pm me~~ Byesh